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Valve and You: The TF2 Update

I have always thought of Valve as the "White Knight" of gaming society, always bringing out new and original games. Most recent of these is Left 4 Dead, their co-op zombie survival shooter. As with all their games it was well put together and interesting and fun to play. But I have found this strange OCDish thing that Valve almost always does. I call it SYFS, this stands for Shoot Yourself in the Foot Syndrome. So this basically means they make a near perfect game, with a near perfect formula. Then touch the game with eager updating fingers and the whole thing bursts into flames.

Now there has been a lot of information going around regarding the recent "Spy vs Sniper" update. Most of this is in relation to the new "item drop" system. After a few days of playing through this I have a couple of things to say about it. The first being it is a perfect example of SYFS, sure not everyone liked the old system but at least you knew what you were getting. Now having random drops it usually is just something that you already have. I myself have gotten 2 flare guns (I already had one), 2 backburners (again, already had one) and finally a dead ringer which is useless anyway. I originally thought that it would be awesome but then after trying it out I realised two things.

  1. It replaces your normal cloak
  2. A spy check from a Pyro or Heavy is going to kill you regardless of the supposedly neat little gadget

I remember the same sort of thing with Left 4 Dead, the melee cooldown. At least I could live with that though.

And so ends my rant at Valve and their phsycological condition.