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Best story line for a game, EVER!

After reading Ferginator's blog post on story lines and freedom I thought that I might do something about the best story line I have experianced ever. So here we are...

1. Hmm, close, but I'm gonna have to go with Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rainslick Precipace of Darkness
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. Painkiller, becauese it wasn't even there and don't try to deny it the story line was non-existant!
4. Deus Ex surpisingly.
5. Vagrant Story

Peoples choice, so And now you guys tell me wat your fav is!


And life continues...

Well, I've been on giant bomb for at least a day now, and I have to say, I'm impressed. The game list is amazingly complete, the characters section might be lacking but I'm working on that now.

So in conclusion giant bomb has to be one of the best sites I've ever been on. Well done guys!


Hi Everybody!

Hey, well Ferginator4k just told me about this site and well, I jjust had to come see. So far this is really awesome, though I'm still wrking out the kinks of some of the features here. But I'll get used to it.

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