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4.3 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

Iffy fun. 0

Now, from the get go, I'm going to give this game the benefit of the doubt, since the computer I played it on had to have the graphics at the absolute lowest to play, and even then it was slow. But... even with that aside, the game felt very... slow, very laggy. And with a ping of 37 I often found myself freezing or jumping all over the place. I have tremendous fun with the game, but only when I can find a server of people who actually use team work. It's unbelievable how many times I get told t...

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My favourite CoD. 0

Now, while I'm a BF fanatic, I like to give credit where it's due, and in my own personal oppinion... Black Ops is the best CoD so far. When I first played it, I was thinking "I have to finish the story." Now, right there, if a game can do that, it gains points. It draws you in. It's interesting. While I admit it wasn't TOO different from the story of most shooters, especially CoD games, it was still very good. It was well executed, though the ending left something to be desired for. The multi-p...

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The BEST instalment yet. 0

Now, I'm going to leave the campaign aside for now, and start with the multi-player. The BEST multi-player of ANY shooter I have played in my life. Hands down. The large variety and scale of the maps is amazing. The physics, graphics and game-play are stellar. While there are hiccups, as with any game, like crashing a jet into the ground and it doesn't explode, it's still VERY good. But, it doesn't get a five from me for those few hiccups, as well as, and I had to come to it eventually, the camp...

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