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Gotta give it to them: They got plenty of them "Battlefield moments" in that trailer, one or two even made me chuckle and quite a few of them resembles stuff from BF3/4.

Combined with the huge "levelution" setpieces that obviously make for great trailer material, the tornado looks fun!

But getting into BFV at launch left a sour aftertaste for me, rarely have I experienced such an unfinished and unpolished major AAA publisher/dev release.

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That's what it looks like when the cancel culture revolution starts eating its own children.

From now on every guest on the podcasts will be vetted by hundreds if not thousands of people looking for their version of a "Gotcha!" moment.

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Edited By Nethlem

@drachmalius said:

Your scientists were so preoccupied with the fact that they could mash two genres together, they never bothered to ask if they should

Of course they should, Battlezone games and the two Natural Selections are some of the most fun games I've played. Tho due to a lack of scale and base-building, this feels more like a shooter with squad mechanics than an actual RTS-FPS hybrid.

But those have already been done way better with actual tactical gameplay, like Gearbox's Brothers in Arms series.

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"We are not here to make friends, we are here to make resources!"

That sounds like something some human in the Avatar movie would say before burning down a big alien tree lol

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@brad: They rebalanced a lot of the games loot spawns to make certain items way rarer so players are actually more nudged towards going to other planets for the resources to make them.

You most certainly also shouldn't feel like going back to old planets is "cheating", that's very much intended game design. For example the first planet is great for easy energy generation of all sources, and the shelter you start with has a small RTG generator build in, constantly producing power, it's also why your base had a beacon on the planet ;)

Personally I played the game like a space trucker, mostly stuck to the starting base, only going to other planets for very specific resources, and then hauling them back to my home base.

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@xbob42 said:
@dooley said:

Skyrim was better and EVERYONE KNOWS IT

Skyrim was bad. Oblivion was bad. Bethesda makes bad games!

And the worst part is they could make good games if they hired someone who knew what good combat was! The combat doesn't have to be bad (which is the main thing that makes Bethesda games bad since you do it non-stop) but the games get endless praise so they never have any incentive to improve!

This 2011 argument brought to you by Volition.

I FEEL LIKE I BEEN TAKING CRAZY PILLS. All their games are broken disasters!

You are not taking crazy pills, a lot of people just give Bethesda games a massive pass because a ton of modders spent countless hours fixing and expanding their games. This leads to the situation that Bethesda doesn't learn or change anything about their games, always expecting the community to do the work for them, and sometimes even trying to lock said community out/profit from their work.

Would have loved to insert Jim Sterling's Bethesda Rave here, but apparently the "new" GB comment system doesn't recognize this obscure video service called "YouTube", so a link will have to do:

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@benpack: The Pip-boy has a quest-log under "Status"

The reason why you keep getting encumbered is that you only sell stuff with barely any weight while hoarding a ton of stuff that is very heavy, like several duplicates of weapons. But weapons and armor are really heavy.

It's also useful to remember what you actually speced into: You have sneak, make use of it, particularly when looting corpses killed by others or just wait until the killers move on before you loot ;)

Also: Remember Smiley the Trapper you saved earlier in the gecko cave? You haven't talked to him since he got back to Klamath. Should probably do that so he can properly thank you for saving him ^^

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@toxicantidote: I don't want them to "powergame", I just think they are missing out on a ton of extra fun fuckery by not getting into those higher tech-tiers because there's some really cool stuff in there.

That's why it's a bit frustrating to see them run into Wolframite, and just completely ignore it, even tho it's actually quite an important resource to find.

They are obviously still wrapping their heads around how a lot of the stuff works in the game, how the planets are tiered, and progress to new tools/vehicles is gated by resources, that's why I gave a quick explanation for it.

This does not mean that I don't enjoy watching Brad and Vinny building worlds, I just want to help them building worlds because the game is not exactly great at surfacing most of that stuff.

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Edited By Nethlem

As much as I enjoy the random fuckery, it's sadly also a bit frustrating to see no real progress as things that should lead to progress are getting ignored because you guys are too busy rebuilding low-tier base stuff from scratch and losing all your gear over and over again.

Case in point: Wolframite only exists on two planets, it's used to make Tungsten with which you can build the Chem-lab that can create even more new resources. Those are needed for pretty much all the mid-tier/high-tier stuff, like bigger trucks/shuttles, the crane, the winch, and tons of other cool tools to screw around with.

In that context, it really pays off to have at least some preparation and a rough plan of what to do with an expedition like: "We can't get further down the tech tree without Wolframite, let's go on a space-trucking mission to haul a bunch of it back to our main base!".

That way you get bigger vehicles (with drills!) and bigger shuttles to load these vehicles on, allowing you guys to explore new planets in style with a fancy vehicle convoy ;)

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Just want to throw another voice behind "Go small arms, stay away from melee/unarmed". Not enough str for melee/unarmed, but small arms covers a wide selection of weapons for all ranges: Pistols, smgs, shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles.

High perception+high sneak makes for a nice sneak sniper built: Get in close and open combat with a surprise shot to the eyes with very high chance to hit, often ends up 1-shotting enemies without triggering others in the area.

Same advice for trying to disarm enemies, particularly animal types: Trying to take out limbs is usually a waste of time, go for the eyes to blind them. Eyes might be harder to hit, but they are only one target and they are easier to crit so you usually only need to hit them once to cripple them.