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A Demon's Souls story, and impressions


I come out of a guard tower, standing on a giant stone wall, one that is full of demonic enemies. The next hundred yards should be fun. Full health? Check. It’s go time. I cautiously progress toward the next tower when, suddenly, the ground beneath me starts to shake. A red dragon swoops in, opens its mouth, and breathes down fiery halitosis upon the hell-spawned bastards. None of them survive. I quickly sprint ahead, barely arriving at the second tower before the dragon makes another deadly pass.

I do this two more times, finally arriving at the end of the wall, where I am met with a wall of fog. Once again, I check my health, still full, and proceed past the wall. Shortly, I will wish I hadn’t.

I enter into the next room, only to be greeted by two giant legs, in platemail. As I look up, I find more than feet. If only it stopped with the feet. I’d wager that this armored being is, at least, 50 feet tall. But I know what I need to do. I hold up my shield and creep toward him. He then hits me with his lance, killing me instantly.

I have not yet been back to that room.

I honestly don’t know why I find Demon’s Souls so enjoyable, because it is a truly grueling experience. There’s only one difficulty spike in Demon’s Souls, and it’s the one the game shoves up your ass about 5 minutes in. This game isn’t just hard, it’s punishing. Demon’s Souls hates you, and will do everything in it’s power to punish you for making the slightest mistake.

Demon’s Souls is a survival horror game in disguise. Or at least you’ll play it like one. Many areas are dimly lit, and others will be completely dark altogether. The game requires a slow and steady pace, going commando will get you nowhere but dead. Healing items become scarce rather quickly, and are rather expensive to purchase.

But Demon’s Souls actually beats survival horror at it’s own game in one huge regard; it makes you fear death. Because death in Demon’s Souls carries a heavy consequence, and it can happen seemingly out of nowhere. In no survival horror game have I actually been so tense, so afraid of what could be around the next corner or wall of fog.

But the feeling of succeeding against the adversities the game throws your way is amazing. Even beating a sub-boss makes the player feel godlike. I’m shuddering a little even saying this, but it makes me wish the majority of games were harder. I was going to say that Demon’s Souls was the hardest game I’ve played this year, but in actuality, it was the only hard game I’ve played this year at all. Not that all games have to be mind-numbingly difficult, but I can’t even think of another game this year where I’ve really felt challenged.

I’d highly recommend playing Demon’s Souls, at least just to see what it’s all about.
P.S.- It's all about kicking your ass.