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Average score of 2 user reviews

Finally Finished this Classic 0

Despite greatly enjoying this game when I first played it, I put it down about 70% through and never quite came back to it. Well I recenly went back and finished it and am very happy I did so. This is a great game and a contender for my favorite FPS of all time.    Pros: The game came out 5 years and the graphics are still very good. The art and character design is top notch, and the Source engine is very adaptable so you can pretty much run this game at higher settings on pretty much any new co...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

One of the Greatest Games I have ever played! 0

Bioshock is the complete package. It is one of those great games that come only a few times each generation.   Graphics - I loved them. From a technical standpoint they are solid, but artistically they are in a league of their own. Unlike many HD games this generation Bioshock is full of color and style. I would often take minutes here and there to just admire the scenery.   Sound - Again, it was amazing and incredibly atmospheric. I especially liked the moans of the big daddy and the innocent y...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.