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Best of 2009

It was a good year for games and despite my best efforts I did miss out on some of the heavy hitting games like Assainss Creed 2, New super mario bros, and Dragon Age to name a few. Nevertheless, some of those games will probably make my 2010's 2009 GOTY.

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  • I have to give uncharted 2 game of the year because the overall experience was just top notch. This game blends my to favorite forms of entertainment (Gaming and Film) together like no other. Its like your watching an incredible action movie but at the same time you are interacting with it too. Many games have tried but I feel like uncharted 2 is the first game to truly merge these art forms with out sacrificing one over the other. Its a fast pace roller-coaster ride like no other game this year.

  • What can I say that hasn't been said. This game is what a first-person shooter should be in terms of tight controls, excellent multilayer and exciting single player. Even though the online community for the game is, in my opinion, uninviting (and sometime downright obnoxious), I can hit the mute button and still have a great time blasting those fools and leveling up.

  • This game has been, in short ,a blast to play. I believe that blending RPG with Shooter is the future and this game does that like no other. The creators don't try to get all arty or bog down on story. Its all about leveling up, collecting guns and shooting dudes. It truly is a game that is meant to be played kicked back on the couch with a few friends just havering fun. Even with its problems technically, I still think it is one of the more significant games to come out this year.

  • When I saw Batman:AA I thought it looked great and it seemed interesting. I never expected that the actual product would deliver is such and satisfying way. The creators really crafted a great game by blending new and old batman fiction with exciting game play. It comes together in a way that any gamer can enjoy regardless on how much they like the character. This game sets the bar for what a license product should be, while making all those crappy movie tie-in games that come out every year look that much worse.

  • I had not been following this game and, after playing the single player demo, I really had no desire to play the game at all. After a Co-Op session with a friend though I became hooked. Capcom made It fun to play though this game several times trying to unlock all the weapons and get all the collectibles, which I did for the most part, and which is a rare thing for me to do these days. This game was built for Co-Op and once I embraced that I found it was one of my favorite online experiences this year, and it left me wanting more of capcom's not so zombie, zombie games.

  • I am a big fan of open world games but as of late the gene has become stale. The guys a sucker punch studios really turned that around for me this year, breathing some fresh new changes to the open world genre. Infamous, not to be confused with prototype, is a well craft adventure all around. The way you travel though the world to the great powers you get to unleash, this game feel like one of the more polished game the genre has seen in a while.

  • OK Not to copy Mr. Ryan Davis here but I too spent quite awhile in the waste lands of Fallout 3 this year. More specifically the Fallout 3 DLC. I mean you take all the DLC that came out this year for this game and roll it together, then you could arguably say that fallout 3 is as much a 2008 game as a 2009. Fallout 3 has its problems but I can't help but to be sucked into the game for hours each time I play. No other game this generation has been supported post-release the way fallout 3 has and it turned a good 2008 game into a superb 2009 game.

  • I grew up playing 2d side scrolling games and really hate that more developers don't use today's technology to keep creating games in the genre. Apparently the guys at chair entertainment feel the same way thus giving use shadow complex. Running though the massive compound finding power-ups and discovering new areas is really fun and addictive.The game really captures that meteoroid and castlevania feel while still remaining fresh and new. I hope to see more developers making arcade style games like this in the future.

  • In a genre with so many space marines ,modern day marines, zombies and aliens, call of Juarez was like a breath of fresh air. This game just hit at a time when I was over-saturated by the stereotypes of the genre. As it turned out the game was a blast to play though with a great story, old west guns that don't suck and reasonable polished multi-play. The game captures the wild west in a compelling way and should not be overlooked if your FPS needs a change of scenery.

  • I have to say that this game is a guilty pleasure that really probaly does'nt belong on this list...However Henry Hatsworth had me playing my DS more than any other DS game this year. Its mix of puzzle and side scrolling game play turned out to be more fun than I thought. I am aware that there were some other, more outstanding games in 09 but for some reason hatsworth made an impression on me this year and I really feel like I should include it on this list.