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A New Web Series I Made

So hey again! It's your pal MBF, also known as Crystal Mech on other ends of the webiverse. If you're wondering why I have been barely doing anything on my personal page here at GB, it's because I was working on this:

I spent the last few days putting the finishing touches on a new web series called Faultline! It was inspired by my old Good Games with One (Or More) Mechanic(s) That Drive Me Insane list that you can view to the side on my profile page. It's a thinkpiece series where I discuss the three biggest issues of games I personally enjoy. My debut episode, as you can see above, is on Yooka-Laylee. It, uh, took quite a while to see the light of day, so if you have about half and hour or so to kill, I'd appreciate it if you could give it a look-see!

I'm eager to do more, but only if enough people are interested. When you're done watching, if you have any tips, pointers, corrections, or constructive criticism, I would appreciate it! Thanks guys!

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