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  • minus_marci posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 28: Godsmack's 1,000 HP.

    Yeah I once said something to the effect of "Godsmack is not anybody's favorite band," to a room with three other people who very quickly told me that Godsmack is their favorite band. It wasn't a bit,...

  • minus_marci posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 16: Good Charlotte's Youth Authority (featuring Jeff Bakalar).

    On the off chance someone sees this, if you want more pop punk done by hardcore kids, check out My Body Sings Electric. Their debut album (from like ten years ago oh no the passage of time) absolutely...

  • minus_marci posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 10: Lil Wayne's "Rebirth".

    @twins said:The guitar on the cover is a Gibson Joan Jett Signature Melody Maker definitely didn't spend way too much time searchin...

  • minus_marci posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 08: Too Legit for the Pit.

    I have a file of that Public Enemy cover Dillinger did! It was a promo for the game Homefront, and they did cover Fight the Power. They gave it out as like a limited free download, and there were som...

  • minus_marci posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 05: Metallica's "St. Anger".

    Love the idea of "Centralia" but in the style of the Metallica logo

  • minus_marci posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 04: Green Day's "Father of All Motherf*ckers!".

    Hell yea Jordan I have that same Boris shirt! Dear tour 2017 they had Helms Alee and Endon opening for them and they all kicked ass!