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#1  Edited By Mexalen

Without kicking you folks, what's it worth being alive anyway? ;)

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#2  Edited By Mexalen

Just wanted to let you guys know, that I am still alive and kicking :)

As you can imagine, the last couple weeks been rather busy, with christmas coming up and the year going to end. Means lot's of work to do and tons of people that wanted to meet before we start into a new year.

Gamewise there isn't a lot new to report. I almost never touched my 360, as I spent the little gaming time I had with Heroes of Might and Magic V. I know it's a little dated, but my old iBook wouldn't have been able to run it, so I had to wait. I am a hugt HOMM-fan, and i quite like this one. They have a nice story going on, and the gameplay is a lot like HOMM3, which I consider to be the best HOMM game.

There were quite some news I would have commented, if I had had the time, but it's to late now, so who cares. I also missed the chance to tell you about, how I liked the trailer for Uncharted 2 so much, that I watched all the cutscenes of the first game on YouTube. As a X360-enthusiast I don't often talk nicely about the PS3, but Uncharted looks like a game I would play, if I had a PS3. The story was enganging, and Drake is a likeable dude ... a lot more likeable then Lara Croft, I'd say.

A good friend got himself a X360 for Xmas, wich is something I can only endorse :) Could be that we'd start playing some co-op games soon. Yesterday I went to his place with my HDD and controller and we played Castle Crashers from start to finish. He has a huge HD-TV, so I can finally say, that I played the game as it was intended to be played. Tomorrow we try to get to more friends to join us, to play it again :)

Well, that's it from me. I wish you all some gaming filled days and a happy new year (in advance).
Next Stop 2009 ... there are a lot of games coming I am waiting for :) ... now I am returning to HoMM V, there is a certain Necromancer that needs my guidance.
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#3  Edited By Mexalen

I totally loved Crackdown as it was. I think if you add to many new ideas, activities and tasks it might destroy the game. 

Yeah, driving was rather boring, but I think thats just the point of the game. If you can jump over most houses and climb these towers - cars are useless. I bet thats what they wanted to prove :)

A more tense storyline would be great. Crackdown on drama ...that sounds pretty awesome.
Just don't make it to much like GTA IV, I have the feeling that every open-world-game thinks it has to be like GTA. While GTA IV was a great game, it's not the single best gaming concept to copy!
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#4  Edited By Mexalen

If you give in to hype you beg to be dissapointed. 

And even the best games are not perfect, and less so, no game suits all.

That said, I think 2008 was great. I buyed less games then I intended, BECAUSE the ones I bought were that great, I wouldn't have had time, to play another game.
While 07 was pretty good with Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect and Assassins Creed, this year had more games with a lot of potential. Only because we are getting used to great games, we are more critical and judge more harshly.

Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead are just awesome. I liked GTA IV and Burnout Paradise a lot. And there was tons of great stuff on XBLA (Braid!). TWEWY und Prof Layton are totally fresh concepts for the DS.  All of that make 08 a huge gaming year!
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#5  Edited By Mexalen

A couple weeks ago I switched from my 3-years-old iBook to a brand new MacBook. There is tons of software I am capable of running now, I wouldn't have thought about. Even some games, I totally forgot about, like Heroes of Might and Magic V, which I am going to buy in the near future. Can't wait.

But the last couple days I spent with World of Goo, which almost had me proclaiming a new candidate for GOTY. 
2 years ago we played "Tower of goo", the indie-ancestor of WoG, a lot at work. I like physic-based puzzlers, and the way the goo-drops reacted was a lot of fun. WoG takes this mechanics and expanded it in ways, I wouldn't have imagined.

Where Tower of Goo just asked you to build a tower that was high enough, the tasks you have to solve now are much more varied now. And with the introduction of new kinds of goo, there is a lot new stuff to learn. But besides the building of towers and bridges out of goo, and other stuff, 2D Boy manages to tell a story. A rather philosophical story, that got me really excited while it lasted... and just didn't manage to take me in at the end. 

But there was this one moment, at the end of chapter 2, when I was like "OMG, that's so intense". The last time I felt like that was when playing Braid, when I realized whats going on in Level 1. I just love it, if a game can grab me on a meta-level...

I would have loved if World of Goo made it to be my game of the year... but still, it's a great game. It's a shame so many people decided to steal it, it's not that expensive but offers a lot of playtime.
I still didn't manage to build a comparable tower to connect to the leaderboards... :)
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#6  Edited By Mexalen

Valve has the Left 4 Dead-'movie-posters' on sale. Only 15 Dollar for the pack of four! 

But shipping to Non-US-territories is another 27 USD, and I am not going to pay almost double for shipping then the wanted item! Thats crazy, and I am just slightly insane. Damn... I wish I was crazier :)
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#7  Edited By Mexalen

I know most people didn't like the story of AC, but if they would tell another chapter in that story, and just change the gameplay to suit the timeframe, that would be pretty rad. I'd prefer to see a sequel that continues the story, then a sequel that continues the gameplay. That would be unique, for a change..

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#8  Edited By Mexalen

with different functions when in Aim-mode or not, and me panicking, because the aliens were comming closer, while I  was trying to shoot their limbs off, and those little-crawly-things clawing on my face ... the controlls were not tight enough :)

In the end I stood there, smashing my gun into some alien-face and stomping the ground desperatly ... which amazingly didn't work ;)
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#9  Edited By Mexalen

As Event Horizon is one of my favourite horror movies, I was very interessted in "Dead Space" when I first heard about it. I thought about buying it, before I realised the other games that came that season, even as it's gory art didn't really got me in the first place.

Today I tried the Dismemberment Demo and I have to say, that I am happy to not have bought it. It looks fantastic and the sound is creepy like hell ... but that's definatly not a game for me. From shooting the limbs, to killing this small things that crawl at you, darkness not just surounding you but always creeping in, plus I didn't got the controls right... 
I gave up on the demo after dieing 5 times in the first room, after just killing like 4, 5 aliens. 

Obviously I need to shoot zombies in the head, not gun alien-limbs off :)
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#10  Edited By Mexalen

RvB is one of the best machinima-series I know. It's story transcended from spoofing MP-matches and arbitrary jokes about the community, and with reconstruction Rooster Teeth managed to 1up it again. Of course the story is a little weird, and might not be everyones cup of tea, but they do manage to tell a story. ...and that's what machinimas are about. It's a tool to make a movie without a 'real' cast and set.

Another great machinimas I recommend watching, if you like story-driven machinimas,  is 'The Leet World' ... they might not be red or blue, but two competing teams nonetheless :)