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  • #1 position goes to borderlands for me, not many companies can pull off a good RPG/shooter with 4 player coop but Gearbox sure as hell showed us how its done with an exciting, immense and humours at times 1 of a kind expierence.

  • the #1 game of the year in just about everyones opinion, and for a good reason! Beasutiful graphics and character models, smooth combat, thrilling adventure with a storyline that draws you in a keeps your attention.

  • OMG WTF HE PUT L4D2 OVER MW2!??!?11?! H4X, LOSER! Left 4 dead 2 is what left 4 dead should have been in the beginning, it makes up for all the Left 4 Dead lacked, toned up the look and kept what made left 4 dead so bad ass, Left 4 dead 2 is one of those few games that will stay with me forever in my collection.

  • oh modern warefare 2 where to begin. For anyone that hasn't played it just take call of duty 4, remove dedicated servers, tone it up and add more options and then finish it off with a little coop. Its the same game as the first which in this case is a good thing.

  • I didn't pay much attention to the release of assassins creed 2 mainly because the AC1 was a disaster. Ac2 though not only earned my trust back in ubisoft but blew my mind with how much it had improved. It made me a fan of the series again and its sure to impact you

  • The break whatever the hell you want with this hammer game. Red faction: Guerilla introduced us to the geo mod 2.0 making everything destructible which is basically what the single player is, which is amazing. The multiplayer though in my opinion was the games strong point. I probably put 200 hours as I played the hell out of it and eventually reached the highest rank. If the idea of running around with a hammer breakin shit doesn't excite you then the multiplayer sure as hell will.

  • Dragon age origins is truely a work of art. The plentiful side quests that never bore you, a strong story and an easy to master combat system. The main seller point of Dragon age origins is how much of an effect your actions have on not just the map but the people,quests and even your own party making every playthrough a different expierence.

  • He's batman and he's going to kick some gotham villains ass! One of the few batman games thats actually fun (and playable) Batman arkham asylum is a great single player adventure that will last you a chunk of time (twice as much if your going for an S rank) one thing I would have added was coop like robin or something, maybe we will see that in the sequel?

  • Fun, chaotic and simple New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a fun expierence like no other. Fun for the gang for a good 8-9 hours New Super Mario Bros Wii says its time to dust off your wii and get some friends.

  • Xbox live arcade game of the year in my opinion, TwistedPixel introduced us to splosion man, a man packed with splode. Splosion man is a coop platfomer with a unique look and sense of humour. about 100 levels of coop and single player, this game will last you for several days of sploding, just don't do it all in one sitting. EVERYBODY LOVES DONUTS!