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I got beat to the Helghast page. It wasn't there yesterday when I made the request, so I guess I only got beat by a couple hours.

It doesn't matter that much, though. The guy who made it only got three points.


BombWatch en Espanol: Empazamos el quinto dia.

I'm not going to write this whole thing in Spanish, actually. That would take too long for me (The title means: BombWatch in Spanish: We begin the fifth day).

Anyway, It's noon on the east coast, but I don't know how much bombing I'll be doing today. So, I'll at least get to the PROGRESS:

Today, I'm starting out with 218 posts and 70 points. Let's hope both of those numbers increase!

>>> Met2609


BombWatch: Day 4 Wrap-up, or Pet Peeves

Hey there! It's time for the daily/nightly BombWatch. I thought I'd take the time to write about an emerging issue that I have with the site. It's probably only an issue to me and it may push me all the way to an obsessive-compulsive state, but I'm sure you've at least noticed this.

The most annoying thing I've seen on this site so far is the use of incorrect forums, or perhaps too general forums.

Example: MGS4 topics go in the god damned MGS4 forum, not the PS3 forum. Just because the PS3 forum is the easiest one to get to, that doesn't mean you should use it all the time. Another example would be someone posting a topic about the recent sale on PSN games (A topic I created a good two and a half hours earlier) in the PS3 forum. That is the wrong platform. That should go in the PSN forum. Don't be lazy, people.

To sum it up: Lazy posting is still a threat.

Good news, however, is that pending subs are becoming less and less of a threat. My subs have been going through a lot better and I have gotten more points today than ever before. Of course, this leads me to another pet peeve. People, don't write an article if it's full of spelling and grammar errors. You don't deserve the points if you do that. Actually, that makes me question why Jeff and company would approve a crappy article in the first place, but I guess some info in the article is better than a blank one.

So, now I'm gonna stop complaining. It's actually better that I'm being annoyed by pointless crap such as this rather than being annoyed by spammers.

Getting on to the news of the day, that HUGE FUCKING EXCLUSIVE that I talked about yesterday was revealed today. It turned out to be some kind of online game. Of course, there were no pieces of art or screenshots for the game, not even a damn logo. The game also has the worst concept name ever created: Hardware 2. Good job coming up with that one, guys.

Before I wrap up this wrap-up, I'm gonna talk about progress. Not a game, not a game, not a game...but progress. (Allen Iverson reference).

I started the day with 186 posts. I now have 217. I didn't go crazy like I did yesterday, and it shows. But that's a good increase.
I also started the day with 38 points. I now have 67 points. I'm getting there.

So, to all you Bombers: Good night, and good luck.

>>> Met2609


BombWatch: Day 4 Begins!

As always, we open the day with the BombWatch. This is day 4!

I've been thinking about some super-obscure stuff that I could turn into unnecessarily long pages. Of course, I always be on the lookout for horribly written pages and blurbs, so I can nitpick them.

I start the day with 186 posts. Def. gonna get over 200 today. Maybe 250.
I start the day with 38 points. That's how much I had last night. :/

See you on the boards,



BombWatch: Day Three is Over!

Day three is pretty much over. I broke a few news stories today, I guess my icon is good luck. Penny Arcade is coming to PS3. Good news, I guess. Also, there is supposedly a MOTHER FUCKING HUGE PS3 exclusive in the works. Check that thread for further details (it's in the PS3 forum). I made some good subs today, still pending of course. All I have to say is PENDING SUBMISSIONS ARE STILL A THREAT.

The following people are now on notice:
The Riddler

You guys know what you did.

I also downloaded the soundtrack from The Dark Knight. Great, great stuff. I'm sure all of you Dark Knight fans will want to check that out (I'm looking at you Why_So_Serious).

Last, but not least: PROGRESS.

I started the day with exactly 100 posts. I now have 178. Go me!
I started the day with 30 wiki points. I now have 38. At least it's more.

That was BombWatch, and I'm out.

>>> Met2609

PS. Pending subs are still a threat, again.


Day 3 Commence!

So, it is now day three of this experiment we call the Giant Bomb.

I started the day today with 30 points, with many decent sized articles still pending. I also reached 100 posts last night, which is cool. I like how the site is running faster every time I get on. The first day, it was way slow, but now I can visit a good number of pages in a small amount of time. My friends list keeps getting bigger. I mainly ask people to be my friend if they have a cool icon/user name or if they possess the ability to spell correctly. If you are for some reason reading this and you're not on my friend list, you are more interested in me than I am, so toss me an invite.

And please Vinny accept my invite!