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#1  Edited By Merx

What a shame.  
Guys, no one has a problem with a new take on WW2 games (although thats got to be one of the most lifeless trailers Ive ever seen), its just Brothers In Arms has ALWAYS been a serious tactical based series, that did what it did very well. 
This is literally nothing like the entire previous entries in the series. I cant understand why they would do that. It does nothing but create brand confusion and hurts the name going forwards.

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#2  Edited By Merx
@Aeterna: How is the AI bad? We talking game breaking? I was considering giving it a go.
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#3  Edited By Merx

Hey guys. 
Thanks for everyones input 

I'm gonna give Anno 1404 and Tropico 2 Pirates Cove a go. They both look to offer what Im after. And although Ive never tried to format of Dungeon Keeper/Evil Genius, I will give them a go at  a later date.
On a side note, since many of you may have played it, did anybody find in Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 a strange problem/bug where the crowds pathfinding seemed to break after a while, so they wouldn't go on rides or even down certain bits of path. Its difficult to explain but if you experianced it you will know what I mean.

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#4  Edited By Merx

Ah yeah, Ive played Theme hospital. That was a great game. I remember having it on PS1, and my flatmate discovered his disc of it not long ago. 
Ive never tried Dungeon Keeper but Ill give it a go. 
Any other suggestions are welcome. Especially ones where you build a small buisness into a big one.

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#5  Edited By Merx

Hey guys, 
What are the best management sims around these days? Ive got a lot of time to fill and I really enjoy the genre. 
Ive played all the football managers, Hot springs story, Game dev story, Pizza something (i forget), Rollercoaster tycoon all versions. Those are what I can remember off the top of my head.
I would prefer games that have graphics rather than spreadsheets, as Im kinda burnt out on number crunching Football manager. (114 hours played on 2011. I think I got my £29.99s worth) 
Thanks in advance 

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#6  Edited By Merx

Pretty much every videogame podcast Ive listented to had at least most of their staff mention that they feel that Mass Effect 2 was better than Uncharted 2. And Uncharted got GOTY up against some really good games like AC2, Dragon Age and MW2. 
Then when you think that GOTY is basically a 12 month cycle from Mid November to Mid November.
With that in mind, it would have to be a very good 12 months to have a game better than Mass Effect 2 and Uncharted 2.

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#7  Edited By Merx

Samara and Legion.
Edit: Cant believe the lack of Samara love! She is so interesting!

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#8  Edited By Merx

***************************SPOILER WARNING***********************************  
                                    If you havnt finnished the game
                                                    Do not read!

I had this same problem in the first Mass Effect. I played the game on gut instinct. Finnished with 2 bars of renegade and all of Paragon pretty much. I feel like the decisions I made and the ending outcome was/is canon to my Mass Effect. Playing through again with my shepard would be strange, as "he" doesnt make the decisions I would make on the second play through.
As for the female character, not only can I not get her cheeks and chin to even approach human, I have a similar problem of "my shepard" is male, so for the same story with the same characters would seem really strange. 
I lost Zaeed and Jack in that order, and blew it all to hell. I can live with that, infact losing those 2 characters was my preffered ending if I had to lose anybody. But it certainly wasnt engineered by me for that to happen.
Ive never agonised so much over my decisions. On Thanes mission I punched Mouse, and felt bad about it for about 2 days haha. Especially when Thane started rubbing it in like "I was all he had!" .
And the end bit, with the jump to the craft, damn, that seemed like an eternity.
Anybody else have a similar problem?

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#9  Edited By Merx

I lost Zaeed in the second fire team decision. He comes through the door injured and dies. Im like "meh". He was funny and an interesting character, but I didnt use him all that much. Canon wise, I rationalise it as he was an old war veteran with alot of demons, he hints at "Ive done some bad shit" , he wouldnt have minded dying on the battlefield for all of humanity.
And Jack? I didnt have her loyalty. I originally lost Mirandas, then when I realised what Bioware were doing, I instantly reloaded and lost Jacks. Because it annoyed me that you cant pacify them both because of a stupid meter, so if I had to lose any1, it would be that eyesore, earache of a character, Jack. Didnt mind the character was in there, but I would prefer sweet tits in Mass Effect 3. She was really haunted by her childhood and seemed to be searching for some peace, so I rationalise, that maybe this is it.
Saved the entire crew otherwise.
Decisions I made were: 
  Upgraded ship fully

 Tali as tech  - Best tech
Garrus as Leader  - He lead that elite squad
Thane as escort - "Can adapt to almost any situation"
Zaeed as second leader - War Vet
Samara as biotic - "Incredible" Biotics
Then I took Samara and Garrus as my final 2 into the final battle. I wanted to make sure that if either of my fav characters lives were in the balance, I had direct control of them.
I also like Legion. Hes a really interesting character. It was a toss up between the 3 for the final battle. 

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#10  Edited By Merx

Dirt 1 is my second favorite game of all time behind Max Payne 2. Ive played the shit out of it, and can win any event on pro, sometimes by up to 10 seconds over the AI.
However, the hardcore on this game is just rediculous. I cant even get close to the AI in the race and in the time trial Im at least 3 seconds off the pace, despite one wasted afternoon of trying.
The cars corner like donkeys at times, even when the AI is managing to pull off much tighter turns than you are.
Im still getting the game, but would be interested to know what other Dirt vets think of its difficulty on hardcore? 
Btw, my fastest time was a 3.4.