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Top 100 Greatest Worlds in Gaming

I know quite a lot about geography, and it is a subject that I enjoy studying. And when it comes to any game I play, I will eventually analyze the game's landmarks and geography - especially if it's a game that has a sole focus on the setting, such as an open world game.

This list will focus on real world and fictional game settings, primarily for open-world games. If the location is generalized to the real-world, then I will mention a particular game set in that location. There may be several locations from a particular series (e.g. Grand Theft Auto).

As of now, this list is a work in progress.

List items

  • The setting of Sleeping Dogs, Hong Kong is a city known for its tourist values and nightlife scenery. It is one of the most well-designed cities in the world, and Sleeping Dogs provides a near accurate portrayal of the city when it comes to culture and architecture.

  • From the original Just Cause.

  • Featured in Just Cause 3, Medici is an island nation located in the Mediterranean sea. It is a large map with several towns, military bases and even its own capital city. Much of Medici's geography is based around Italy and southern France.

    I have always enjoyed any game set around this part of the world, regardless of the game's genre. But I feel that Medici is the perfect open-world map of its kind, especially for the Just Cause series. Medici feels like very cultural and significant to the game's plot compared to other Just Cause settings, and I have spent a considerable amount of time exploring the map for secrets - as well as just to blow some stuff up.