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Some of my Favorite Games

Here's of list of some of my favorite games in no particular order.

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  • One of my all time favorites. Still have never beat Tyson though, that dirty bastard!!

  • Man i really love this series, great story and characters. Its too bad that we'll never see it finished.....

  • Ok, I'm ready for Shenmue III now!!!!!

  • I honestly didn't like this game when I started playing it, but I gave it a chance and it became one of my favorite games. Awesome!

  • After playing and loving Morrowind, this was a no brainer. I didn't have a life for awhile because of this game!

  • I have no life right now!! Need more Skyrim!!

  • This game had a lot of replay value for me. I can't count how many times I've beat it, and loved figuring out all the secrets. Yep never gets old.

  • One of my favorites as a kid, surely a classic.

  • Really enjoyed this one. Sneak, V.A.T.S., head explosion.....good times.

  • Probably my favorite of the GTA series. Really love the 80s theme and the characters were great too. Wish they would revisit Vice City again.

  • I first played this about 5 or 6 years after its release. At that time I had a PS2, which was the latest and greatest, that keep me occupied. A good deal on an N64 fell in my lap along with this little gem so I didn't pass it up. I'd never played any Zelda games prior to this one so wasn't sure what to expect. I just remember how blown away I was playing this. Definitely one of my most memorable gaming experiences.