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No disintegrations!

Spent last night dressed up as Boba Fett for a friends costume party. Lots of fun, really helping keep my love for all things Star Wars alive :) 
Also excited for  Force Unleashed 2 now, especially as I know Fett is in the game :)



The two new reveal trailers shown at NYCC have me sooo much more excited for this game than I thought I could be. O got a hands on at PAX Prime back in early September, the game is still as much fun as I remember MvC1 and 2 being but now the cast keeps getting better and better. This has turned from a must buy into a NEED on day one.


A long time ago...

My love for StarWars has been returning in a HUGE way. My figure collection is growing (thanks to several stores discounting older waves I want figure from) Playing through Force Unleashed, enjoying the hell out of it and thanks to some streaming sites I've been able to catch episodes of Season 3 CloneWars to boot :) 
Oh and in about a weeks time I'll be getting all dressed up as Boba Fett for a friends costume party. Alright!



Been getting into gaming on my iTouch quite a bit recently. LucasArts had both the Monkey Isle SE games on offer, plus got my hand on the MassEffect Galaxies game. Heck StarWars:Cantina may have been a Dinner Dash clone but was a load of fun. 
Think I'm secretly enjoying all of this cause it's cost me so little for so many fun hours of gaming


Back on at Giant Bomb

After a combination of getting my Gmail account hacked and the whole Whisky Media rebranding of the Giant Bomb site, it's good to be back here. Fingers crossed I can earn all them Quests again :)