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#1  Edited By masteroftheclaw

Yeah, old CRT sets seem to record strange. But there's nothing wrong with recording a tv set if that's the easiest way or perhaps the only feasible way for you to do so!  
The video quality I'm seeing here is perfectly fine and the only time it's not is when someone is holding the camera and moving around. But as long as the camera is in a stable position it's not bad at all! It may take a little bit to find the perfect position/lighting for your camera but once you do it'll be a piece of cake!

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#2  Edited By masteroftheclaw
@torus said:
" Filming your television? There is no greater sin when dealing with screen footage. Use a proper screen recorder/capture device.   Or *sigh* at least, if you are going to film your TV, orient the fucking camera square on with the screen. "
Yeah man, what's with that holier than thou attitude? You do have some decent points within your statement but the way you phrased them just makes you sound rude.  
@Stang - I'm just mostly going to reiterate what people have been saying earlier. If you are just looking for a super quick way to cut up/compress your video files then Windows Movie Maker can make quick work of that. VIrtualDub is also pretty nice, but I don't know as much about it. WMV files generally can still have great quality despite being a much smaller filesize than what you started out with. 
As for Youtube, the actual time limit is 10:59. When they say they give you "10 minutes" they mean a full 10. Also, you can't upload a file that is larger than 1 GB. Though it seems you have already managed to upload a video, but these are just some basic rules to keep in mind.  There are websites like Dailymotion that allow 20 minute videos and such, but they aren't nearly as popular as Youtube, unfortunately. 
If you really want to make a lot of super high quality recordings maybe you might look at getting a capture device in the future. However, for now using your Flip camera seems to do the job just fine. :)