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Trusting Microsoft with regards to exclusives

Trusting Microsoft

Like many of the people who frequent GB and other gaming sites, I don't think I'm alone in choosing to preorder a PS4 over the new Xbox. Price, forced use of the Kinect and just a monumental failure in initially communicating their vision pushed me away from the One early on, but there was another reason which made me question the notion of buying the new Xbox: could I trust MS to support the console with exclusives throughout its lifecycle, a continued support of new IPs several years down the line? I wasn't sure, and click went the Amazon preorder button for the PS4.

Now the thing is, recalling my favourite and most fondly remembered games of this generation, most of the console exclusives on my list were actually on the 360, not the PS3. In the early years of the 360's life, games such as Mass Effect, PGR, Fable 2, Forza, Gears of War, Halo 3, Banjo-Kazooie, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Lost Odyssee, Rockstar's Table tennis and Crackdown provided a big variety of games that I have great memories of. I remember my excitement for and enjoyment of those games as many were experiences that I'd never had before.

But from roughly 2009 onwards, the games just got less interesting, more sequels, and there were fewer exclusives each year. I understand why this happened, for several different reasons of course, though I'd mostly attribute it to the 360 becoming synonymous with CoD, which may have caused MS to realise they could gain more sales through strengthening their ties to that one series as opposed to providing new experiences for various niche markets. Thinking back to the early days of the 360 and then the drought later on, I'm honestly unsure on whether I could trust my investment in a One to pay off in terms of exclusives. My dilemma was, and still is, go with MS who provided an initial burst of fondly-remembered exclusives, or go with Sony who, going on the evidence of this generation, will continue to provide new experiences, albeit perhaps not as aligned to my own tastes (with the exception of 3-4 great titles I loved on the PS3)? Would be interested to know what you guys think


Early adoption and EU woes

Living in the UK (well, France for the last year, but then back to the UK in May), I'm obviously in the EU region for games. Whilst on the odd occasion we get something ahead of the US, by and large we're often subjected to (sometimes lengthy) delays when awaiting new releases. Right now I'm still waiting to play Fire Emblem on the 3DS, even though you US bombers have had it for around a month.

Anyway, not bitter (I am). On to the matter in hand:

At the moment, based on Sony's general caginess in confirming a 2013 release for the PS4 in Europe, I feel about 70% certain that I won't be getting my hands on one until next year. Out of the big two's consoles, it's the PS4 that appeals most at the moment, largely due to the various reports regarding the Xbox 720's possible eccentricities (always online connection, big focus on Kinect 2, etc.). Now, come April and Microsoft's unveiling they could well capture my interest, but after owning both consoles this generation I find myself preferring Sony's more eclectic and varied lineup of exclusives that I've enjoyed over these past few years.


Even if the 720 (or whatever it's destined to be called) remains a firm secondary preference behind the PS4, I can still see myself buying one, just to finally shrug off this overly long generation, IF, that is, Microsoft does what I expect and launch it in Europe in 2013. The lure of the 'new' will probably prove too great to resist, as the only things that I could see staving it off would be to spend more than usual on the yearly GFX card upgrade, maybe around £300, or to get a Wii U at Xmas to play the Wind Waker remake (Nintendo you devioussss basstardssss).

So, a question to round things off:

If, due to your country/continent/lack of stock/availability, you are unable to get your hands on one of the two consoles, could you envisage yourself buying the other one, just for the freshness/zeitgeist surrounding it, to experience the 'next generation' as it were?


Final Fantasy 13, we can make this work!

A little self indulgence

Not once in my childhood gaming years did I ever play or own a JRPG. I think I once spent about half an hour watching my neighbour on FF7, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count. So imagine the shock that my gaming digestive system received when I introduced not one, but two JRPGs to my diet. 
That's right. Count 'em. Now you're impressed. 
I suppose that it's only been this latest generation of consoles where I've really got into the whole gaming macrocosm and as such I find myself branching out more often, seeking games from a multitude of genres for the first time. One of these uncharted territories happened to be JRPGs, and my first exploration of the (sub)genre came in the form of Lost Odyssey. I won't go into great detail about my experiences with the game, suffice to say that I enjoyed it greatly and only cringed at one of the kid's voices (Okay maybe both of them). Sadly though, my completion of the game was not meant to be, as my 360 died on me. Again. For the 5th time. 
So then it was time to get a PS3!
Along with the purchase of my new console came a very prolific Japanese game, MGS4. Now I don't want to stereotype all Japanese developed games based on my extremely limited experience, but do those games ever get all of the voice acting right? Otacon, I am most certainly looking at you. I digress. So as I was saying, brand new (Japanese) console, time to try out a game in the Final Fantasy series. I was sent FF13 by the British equivalent of Gamefly, played around 4 and a half hours then returned it. I had way less patience with it than I would have previously given myself credit for, perhaps because of how the pace of it compared to other games that I'd played recently.
So here I am, two months later, Final Fantasy 13 sitting on my shelf after arriving this morning, as a result of the sudden decision  that it's a game that I should own and not rent. I've played about 2 hours of it today and to be honest my cold, western heart is beginning to thaw. I went in again knowing what to expect, knowing that patience would be an essential virtue. It's going to be tough and there will be times when I won't think that I'll see it through to the end. But Goddammit Final Fantasy 13, we can make this work! 


 I also recently bought Persona 3 and have spent probably around 8 hours or so playing it. However, like FF13, I have difficulty playing it for more than 1-2 hours a day, which is somewhat ironic when I think about all the Halos, Gears and Uncharteds that I've completed in 2 or 3 sittings. Those games don't need me to play so much in one day! Anyway, I'm off to university in 2 and a half weeks, so I was wondering which out of the two games (FF13 and P3) I should try to finish. I'll no doubt come back to whichever one I don't attempt to complete, at some point, but I was just wondering which game you guys thought would be a more "worthy" endeavor. Let me know if you feel so inclined as to respond to this multi-paragraphed ego trip (also how you thought this was for a first blog. Indulge me!)
See you next time folks.