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Armored Core 4

Since my PS1 old days that I didn't played an Armored Core game, I remember finding fun to customize my machine and then kick some ass.
So when I saw a cheap AC4 for sale on ebay, I thought this "hey could be funboy" boy was I wrong...
So there I was, thinking I was gonna make a mean killing machine, and destroy everything in my path, but the minute I saw AC 4 huge and confusing menus with lots and lots of info and things to customize, I felt like I needed to take engineering classes.  OMG!!!
And finally when I get to the game the magic was gone, all there was left was tons of machines shooting in my direction has I pressed all the buttons in despair.
Sold it on the next day....


Hope its a good year

In terms of gaming i'm looking foward to see:
Resident evil 5 - RE with multiplayer. awesome
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - I hope Naughty Dog does a great sequel like they did with Jak II
White Knight Chronicles - Level 5's new RPG can´t wait!
Killzone 2 - Hope they live up to the expectations.

Has for life I hope someone invents something to fix women shopping gene.
OMG! my legs shake when entering the clothing area of a shopping mall. The horror!!!