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4.8 stars

Average score of 11 user reviews

a unique game 0

this game is truly spectacular. it is unique in its game mechanics, visual art style, and presentation of story.the game mechanics that stand out the most is Disco Elysium's version of NPC party members and the thought cabinet. DE replaces traditional NPC party members with voices in your head (24 different types belonging to 4 categories), which you level up/invest in, and who speak to you as you play the game. the degree to which one voice will speak to you depends on how much you invest in t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

would give 4.5 if possible 0

(almost) all the complaints about this game are about the story so at the end of the day you have to play it for yourself to see if the criticisms resonate with you. i found the story to be excellent, believable, and moving. once i finished the game, i spent time with friends, the game reminded me how important it is to spent time with loved ones and that the way to deal with loss is not revenge, but moving towards a reality that will bring you joy.there are a few reasons i would give 4.5 instea...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Assassin's Creed II: game of the year 0

  Assassin’s Creed II is a truly incredible game.   The gameplay is one of the most fluid, and fantastic experiences in any game.   The dialogue is hilarious as well as just great dialogue because it has such an amazing story to tell, which is tells perfectly.   Oh, and then there’s the story, o man… where to start…. I’ll just tell you that it’s awesome for now. Gameplay.   There are a few different sections to look into when you’re looking at the gameplay.   The combat, economy sys...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Borderlands combines an RPG and an FPS and makes it amazing 0

Borderlands is an amazing game, from the rpg and fps elements, to the huge worlds, to the numerous amounts of guns (one can only hope since they tried to sell the game on that since day 1), and finally the humorous elements of the game all come together to make an amazing game.   The game starts out a bit slow to show you the fundamental controls and mission structure, how to get them, turn them in, etc.   However, right after the tutorial (which is only about two or three mission) I was having ...

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Been there done that! Bring something new to the table! 0

Personal Thoughts: when I got it I expected the multiplayer and story to be as exciting as Call of Duty 4.  The majority of the story was not as intense as COD4, but the ending was more intense than all of COD4's story put together.  The multiplayer was a huge disappointment, it wasn't as exciting, the guns weren't as great as the modern guns, and the ranking system wasn't as addicting and exciting as COD4's.The Good:The intensity of the end of the story was awesome You got to kill Nazis The gun...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Incredible 1

Personal Thoughts: Fantastic game.  Wow, came out of nowhere, blew me away.  I looked at this game and said 'wow, totally copied Mario' but after thinking about it i thought to myself, 'since when has that been a bad thing?'.  So i downloaded the trial, wasn't too fond of it, but something about it made me want to play it, so i bought it, and going through the game i found out why, there's a charm to it, they way it uses time travel and the music puts you in the mood.Review:The Good:Great Gamepl...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Must Get 0

Let me start off by saying, INCREDIBLE GAME The Strengths: 1Great Weapons 2Great Melee 3Great Multiplayer 4Intense story and multiplayer 5Fun arcade mode 6great, basic controls The Weakness: 1Short Story 2Graphics are a bit 'rubbery' Activision did a superb job with Call of Duty 4.  It's main strength is it's multiplayer, the ranking system will keep your hands reaching for your controller to continue to level up.  The story is also a huge strength to the game, it is intense and does a fantastic...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Incredible 0

This game is a game that draws you in from the beginning.  The gameplay is about 10 hours long and the ending resolves close to everything so that u aren't left with questions that NEED to be answer, but leaves enough for another game.compared to the first:better graphics better story better blood effects better weapons the only way gears 1 is better is the fact that it was a new series When i rate a game i ask myself the question, will people be talking about this game in a year?  And people w...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Decent but nothing special 0

This game is an average game, good in the beginning but then it gets boring and repetitive.  It was fun going back to missions and getting holocrons but then there's nothing to do.  The difficulty is a good feature because it's pretty accurate and distinct differences.  The graphics are a little above average just because they did such a beautiful job with Bump Mapping.  If you look closely you'll notice that everything that looks 3-D isn't, it's just Bump Mapped (all the textures, that is).  In...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Classic 0

This game is addictive and makes you feel like Niko Bellic.  The concept of great 3-D graphics and below average texturing makes you feel like the total Criminal and bad ass that is Niko Bellic.  The story mode is a good length (40 hours for me) and is full of twists and turns that'll leave you with a gasp and thinking 'do i really have to do that?' or 'but i like that person!' which makes you feel like your experiencing something totally unique.  The city is a great set up and it is always ente...

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Instant Classic 2

I have yet to complete the story mode, but i've played the story for about 2-3 hours and already have fallen in love with it.  The graphics aren't anything to brag about and are certainly no Gears of War but the level of addiction, vibrant colors, and the feeling that makes you connected to the game is really quite incredible.  The bump mapping and shadowing are fantastic and the weather 'graphics' (or whatever you wish to call what the weather looks like) are incredible.  To sum up, this game h...

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