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Clearance Games at my Target, should I get them?

So I work at Target. It isn't a bad place to work, honestly. Anyway, I found some clearance PC games I'm debating on getting, but I thought I'd ask here. :) 
The games are: 
Alpha Protocol (about $12.50) 
Bioshock 2 (about $7) 
Borderlands (about $4-5) 
I have Borderlands for my PS3 which I've played to hell and back, and I played the first Bioshock mainly on the PC, but I also have it for the PS3. Are any of these games compatible with Steam? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.  


End of a dilemma

Well, I got the replacement PS3. We went to Best Buy and they were holding an 80GB model for us. So we swapped the HDs there and did some other shopping and left. I just got back like 10 minutes ago and I plug in all the cables and everything and turn it on. This screen pops up and says:

"The hard drive must be formatted to continue."

No. Fuck no.

So I chose "No." (There was no "Fuck no" option)

Then it said that it couldn't continue.

So I turned it off an turned it back on and the same thing. My dad and I are sad, but we had to format the Hard Drive. I was able to get all of the saves from it earlier except Vegas 2 and Rock Band. The Rock Band one hurt. We have to do EVERYTHING over now. My dad, cousin and I were almost done with World Tour too. Oh well. At least I have a working PS3 now. Right now it is getting Update 2.41 so that is taking a while. I am sad though.

I did get 2 new emblems though. Thats pretty good. And a funny thing is the box finally came to ship the PS3 in. Well now I have a big box. Woo.

So how is everyone else doing?


In a little dilemma

Hello everyone, it's Mike and I have a little problem. My PS3.....has seen better days. The Blu-ray reader is having problems reading Blu-ray discs. Games and movies that are Blu-ray based freeze after a period of playing, which ranges from 5 minutes to 1 hour. DVDs work fine in it; only BDs are the problem.

Yeah, it sucks. I have 2 options.

1. I send it into Sony. I have confirmation that the box to ship it in has been shipped to me via UPS and it'll be here the 15th. I just got a reprint of the receipt from Best Buy so I have everything that I need. However, talking about Best Buy brings up option 2.

2. I take it to Best Buy and get a new one from them. Yeah, on the receipt from BB was a thing saying about a 2 year extended warranty. My dad forgot about it. Oh well. I can take it there, they take out the Hard Drive and put it in the new one and I'd be all good.

However, I want to see if Sony will take it and see what is really wrong with it so they could possibly help other people. Yeah, me the forever (well, majority of the time) optimist. And I can't find any 80GB PS3s online at Best Buy (and I don't want the MGS4 bundle; I'm happy with what I have). Only 40GBs. So IDK what will happen.

I want your opinion on what you would do.

BTW, I'm doing fine, except for the PS3 being lame.


Hey all

So, I'm just going to copy my last two blogs over from GS to here.

That sounds good. Yeah.