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RPG indecisiveness

So with Mass Effect 2 around the corner and Dragon Age still whirring around in my 360, I always like to have a little think before hand about the character class I'm going to play, in any RPG. The problem I seem to have and I don't know if anyone else does is that I always seem to regret my decision of the character I've chosen. Maybe I'm just an indecisive person, but I had to play the first 3 or 4 hours of Mass Effect before I could fully get into it with a character I wanted to play. Then I blasted through the rest of the game. Dragon Age was weirder because the origins stories made me think, well this story could be more fun or whatever. I decided in Dragon Age the mage story was the best so I went that way and about 15 hours from that I'm still going. Mass Effect however, was sooo hard to decide. Maybe I'm greedy and just wanted all the powers, it doesn't matter though. I've never played an RPG where I've felt I'm gonna be 100% satisfied with my character choice. Hopefully Mass Effect 2 will be easier for me to decide.