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Gears of War 2 and Fallout 3

So these are the big games that Ive been playing recently and though I have had trouble finding the time to play them from what I have so far they are both awesome. I never played Fallout 1 or 2 so the universe is completely new to me. I do however love Elder Scrolls games all the way back to Daggerfall, so while Fallout 3 is completely different anyone who has played an Elder Scrolls game before will feel right at home. The HUD is very similar as well as the conversation trees and animation. The Pipboy is very similar to the Journal in Oblivion which makes item and quest management a breeze. All in all the story is great so far and the combat is very tight, VATS is just amazing.

Gears of War 2 on the other hand, I had played the previous games and Gears 1 I don't think I have ever played through a singleplayer game so many times. The combat was so good and now its just better. The movement speed and shooting is so much improved while the story and campaign is miles better than the first. Ive heard a lot of bitching about the multiplayer and while I think the chainsaw is a bit too powerful the overall package is great. My favorite part has to be the party system, sometimes its a bit slow but it really matches you up to people your ability. The extra player is a cool edition making things a bit more hectic while the power weapons are just amazing, they do have a bit of a learning curve which means you won't get a mortor shot right every time, but they will blow shit up. The rotating weapons each round is great too letting you really make up tactics. My mate doesn't actually like the online because he feels its too different from Gears 1 but that might just be him being a purist. I came around to it fast and so did my other friends, you now have to aim with the shotgun which is a million times better and the non downing sniper is sweet aswell. I welcome the changes to be honest and am having a blast online at the moment. Hit me up if you want some games!