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"Just Go" (Resident Evil 2 - Police Station remix)

Soundcloud (Download)

Well, did my first metal song/remix in what feels like a century! This song is barely a remix, more like "inspired by" the Police Station song from Resident Evil 2. All the riffs are original, they were the type of riffs that had been floating around in my head the last couple years but never recorded on a track. The vocals are a first for me, I just yelled into my Blue Yeti microphone and that black metal-ish result is what came out. The song itself is pretty raw, have a couple feedback and general noise tracks playing throughout most of the song. A lot of dissonance in the chords too.

The vocals were done in one take, which is bizarre as I've never put my voice on a track before. The guitars took a bazillion takes for some reason, as they always do. My bass bridge pickup is dead, so I could only use the neck pickup on my poopy Yamaha RBX765A. So I EQ'd the heck out of it and made it as bass-y as possible.

The program shown in the video is Propellerhead's Reason 7. I finally bit the bullet and bought it because they had a nice deal where it included some rack extensions for free that I would have otherwise not got if I waited. The big change from the last version of Reason I had used (5.0) is the ability to record live instruments. This allowed me to have guitar, bass, and vocal tracks and have them all fit under the same mastering suite the rest of the instruments are in. Before, there was a really complicated process that involved recording the guitar tracks in another program to a metronome, then importing the guitars as wav/aif files as if they were samples, or at least fool Reason into believing so. The other awesome change which I couldn't capture on video, is visual EQ. It lets you see the wavform as it's playing and you can make your EQ curves around that to boost or cut parts of the track.