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LordofUltima vs. SpecialBuddy

CannedHedgehogs (SpecialBuddy) and myself (LordofUltima) had a long set of matches in Street Fighter IV, which I recorded along with skype voice chat, for your entertainment. Some gold in these matches, nine parts in total. If you're lucky, you might actually see me play other characters. Playlist is here, embedded below for your convenience.

So the rule of thumb for Akuma vs. Gen is:
  1. Teleport or AA every jump-in (..or else).
  2. Far Roundhouse over and over again until you pummel him into submission.
  3. Teleport some more for good measure, just to be sure.
  4. Do not use focus attacks when he is remotely near you.
  5. Abuse wake-up game.

The Roundhouse Loop

Cranked this tutorial out in half a day or so, I realized that I've talked about the roundhouse loop that Akuma has a lot, but have never actually demonstrated how it works. So here it is, even if you don't play akuma you might learn a thing or two about 1-frame links and plinking. Enjoy.


SFIV 10/24/09 - West [ak] vs. loltima [ak]

Me and west recorded some matches again, complete with skype chat and all that good stuff. here's the playlist of 10 videos or so, enjoy! As an aside, I'd love to actually give a similar treatment to matches with other people, but I had to bring a big CRT, computer, monitor, dazzle, and a bunch of wires upstairs and hook them all up to do this, so it was definitely planned for like a week. Still, if we can set something up and you can also chat on skype while playing Street Fighter, let me know.


Alundra Playthrough

So I'm currently playing through Alundra, you can check my day-to-day progress at my channel or the Alundra Playlist. I'll embed the 18 parts or so that I have after two days, of course you can always come back to this blog/forum post and the newest ones will be there. Enjoy.


Shiny Stick!

So I decided to remove my buttons and joystick from the ol' fightstick again, I wasn't happy with the metal finish the stick had, and I had put some artwork on it a while ago, and I wasn't happy with that either. So as I was sanding the metal down to remove the old glue that was on it, it became all shiny like and amazing looking. Damn son!

Fightstick 1.0
Fightstick 1.0

 Fightstick 2.0
 Fightstick 2.0

 Fightstick 3.0
 Fightstick 3.0

 The Street Fighter equivalent of chrome rims.
 The Street Fighter equivalent of chrome rims.

Akuma 101 - The Vortex

"The Vortex" is another name for Akuma/Gouki's wake-up mixup metagame. While most characters have this as well, Akuma's is special in that he has a staggering amount of options, and most of them are relatively safe. I finished my tutorial for it, available in two separate parts available on my youtube channel.

Hope you guys enjoy it, now I can finally never think about the vortex again. Except for when I'm actually playing, of course. I have a thread explaining it in detail over at the Akuma SRK boards, so check it out.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - Playthrough

So I finally got around to finishing the uploads for my RE3 playthrough, which was done with the PS1 version, playing on a PS2. I used Cyberlink PowerDirector and a Dazzle to record the game footage, and Sony Vegas to record my narration simultaneously. 23 parts in total, check it! More playthroughs in the near future for sure.



Here's a video of West taking it to JR Rodriguez (for the most part), in the super shit Akuma mirror. FUCK YEAH!

He can only get away with those desperation demons for so long!

Resident Evil 2 - Playthrough

So I played through Resident Evil 2 for the PS1 and recorded it, both Leon A and Claire B games. The Leon games are up, the Claire ones will probably be up by tomorrow some time (rendering out 50 videos or so is really time consuming, not to mention uploading only 10 at a given time). Check it.

Just finished a Resident Evil 3 playthrough as well, which is even longer so I don't know when I'll be done editing that junk.