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He waited... I can't believe he waited...!

So I finished Journey a few days ago, and I have to say it was one of the most awesome experiences I have had in a while. I played through the whole game with one person, as we struggled against the winds and waters. The snow froze us as we walked. Slower... Slower... Movement slowed to a crawl. I would chirp and hear a faint chirp in response. Then we finally emerged in the end game sequence and I felt exhilarated. But then it happened...

I'll be waiting.
I'll be waiting.

My partner got separated from me as I was flying through the end game sequence. I was torn between finally being able to move again, and the thought that my partner whom I had played with through this whole Journey was gone. I felt happy at the sudden freedom, but broken from being separated. But then the greatest thing happened. My partner with whom I had separated was waiting for me at the top of the mountain. He could have gone forward and finished the game, but he waited for me. I chirped, he chirped in response, and then we walked through together.

This was our Journey.
This was our Journey.

It's weird how attached you can get to someone without ever even talking to them. It was one of the greatest moments I've had in recent memory with regards to gaming. It also made me think that it would have been a shame to experience this alone. Hopefully everyone played it online, because seeing my buddy waiting for me at the top was one of the happiest scenes ever in a game.