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Game Reviews 2016

A collection of reviews for games I've completed or decided I'm done with in 2016

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  • ★★★★

    A worthwhile bit of DLC that serves as a fun (but narratively unessential) prologue to 2014's The New Order. It can stand on its own no problems, too - if you're looking to play a CliffsNotes version of Wolfenstein, this is absolutely the way to go.

    70% of the game feels exactly like TNO, but the last act is full of unexpected twists and turns that make me wish the entire game had focused on the supernatural - it had a distinctly Indiana Jones vibe. A much-improved mech section was also a welcome diversion.

    COMPLETION: I beat the main story and got a fair number of the collectibles.

  • ★★★1/2

    I wanted to get the true ending, I really did - but the game eventually exposed its deep RPG roots and gated my progression behind a boss who was simply beating me on numbers rather than strength or tactical ability. Disappointing, but I still had a fun 20 hours romping through deeper-than-usual musou action.

    The game looks great - a vibrant palette and expressive character animation makes this feel like a Toriyama manga come to life. The 'super' moves are particularly incredible.

    I'd recommend this to both beginners and veterans of musou-action games alike. A must for Dragon Quest fans, too.

    COMPLETION: I got the first ending and unlocked all the characters but couldn't be arsed getting the proper ending.

  • ★★★★

    THE BEST MUSOU. The action is incredibly fast and carries a great deal of satisfaction - very little regard has been given to difficulty (even on Hard More). Kizuna Rushes, Special Attacks and overpowered super-characters designed solely for the purpose of racking the kill counter as high as possible - it's not unusual to break 5,000 KOs on a single map.

    The story mode does a fairly decent job of retelling the events of the entire One Piece saga, though I really wish they had waited until Dressrosa was over - so many great characters and special attacks from that arc are missing.

    A must-get if you're a One Piece fan, and a should-get even if you just like musou action.

    COMPLETION: Finished the Story Mode and got ~75% completion in Dream Log mode. Got all the characters.

  • ★★

    Tries to be too many things - I think the open world killed it for me. Using parkour to escape from zombies in tightly-designed set pieces in a manner similar to Mirror's Edge would have been much more fun.

    The characters are all abhorrent and the story is complete rubbish. The game tries really hard to make you care, which makes you care even less.

    COMPLETION: I was somewhere in the second half of the game, after you unlock the Old Town. I dunno.

  • ★★★

    Does the Quantic Dream thing a whole lot better than any of their games have. Most of the characters are unlikable, but that's kinda the point I guess. Peter Stormare's character should have been in there more.

    The mocap stuff is really impressive and often transcends uncanny and looks genuinely realistic. I'd happily play this formula again if applied to other styles of horror film.

    COMPLETION: Completed it once, saving five teens. No replays.

  • ★★

    Copies the Monster Hunter formula without getting MH's cornerstone (incredible gameplay) nailed down. Feels half-arsed all round, a wet fart of a pseudo-MMO. Might be better online but I don't have the desire to find out.

    I actually wish it had played into the series history more - I had the most fun when I was getting to play as Squall or hearing the fighting theme from FF7.

    COMPLETION: Got to the fourth tier of quests.

  • ★★★★1/2

    I don't wanna go to deep on why this game is good because it involves spoiling the story - all I'll say is that I just wish they'd stayed away from making the story bigger than it needed to be.

    COMPLETION: Played it to the end. Not sure there's much by way of collectibles or replayability.