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Best of 2010

Deathpooky: Best of 2010

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  • An amazing, engrossing, complete game. Tons to do, characters and quests that matter, and an ending sequence where your own decisions both prior and during mattered. The most cinematic and compelling game since Uncharted 2 and a promise of where focused RPGs can go in the years to come. Press RT to punch the shit out of anyone who doesn't love ME2.

  • Devastatingly difficult but incredibly well-crafted platforming. Every part of this game was painstakingly put together to make it fun, funny, and addictive, despite, or perhaps because of, its difficulty.

  • The best strategy game out there once again and the only game that has gotten me into watching pro gaming. Well-balanced, deep, and put together perfectly. The single player gets overlooked, but it also shines as a great experience.

  • Nintendo does it again. A fun pure gaming experience. Enough said.

  • A better Zelda game than the last Zelda game. Takes the mechanics honed by Nintendo and gives them a fresh perspective and some modern ideas, making an extremely fun game overall.

  • Sheer, unbridled, Japanese madness. And completely awesome.

  • As always, this game comes out, and I lose sleep for several weeks in a row. The interface and gameplay simplifications took away from some of the strategy, but made the game overall more approachable and fun to play.

  • New Vegas is a less interesting setting than Fallout 3, but is populated with far better characters and a main story that is actually compelling and presents the user with choices as they run through. Riddled with bugs, but they didn't detract enough from the game to turn me away. Another game I could drop 100 hours into over the next year.

  • A stupid, stupid game. But so much fun. Reusable parachute, double-ended grappling line, and complete freedom to screw around and blow stuff up makes for the most enjoyable open world action game in a long time. It's hard to go back to GTA after this.

  • I remember a time when most games were pick up and play experiences but weren't derided as too "casual" by gamers. Bejeweled 3 takes its addictive concept and tosses in a ton of modes and achievements that bring back the match three madness.