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#1  Edited By Lavapotamus

Radiant Dawn is almost $60 on Amazon, used. Is it honestly worth the price of admission? Is it more Fire Emblem, or does it add new elements that really expand the franchise? I'd be fine with adding another Fire Emblem game to my queue, but I'm really hesitant/suspicious that the game is so expensive because it's rare rather than just being a standout from the series.

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#2  Edited By Lavapotamus

@Nictel said:


I think it will continue doing what Nintendo has always done. Sell a ton of first party games and outside of a few great third party games it's all going to be shovel ware. The Wii was the exception to the rule for Nintendo. A bunch of casuals hopped on board for one ride and now they are off and won't be back. Anyone who thought otherwise is fooling themselves. The Wii was a fad for non gamers that has passed and people have moved on to other things. I'm sure there were some people that ended up staying on, but not massive numbers or the type that buys new systems/games like dedicated gamers do.

True but with games like Nintendoland and (not so new) Mario Bros games I'm not sure they really have something going.

With the exception of the F-Zero game (busted tilt controls), NintendoLand is great. Actually, between Mario U, Zombi U, Tekken Tag 2, I've sunk the most time into NintendoLand, and I still have a lot left to try and do (I'm terrible at Pikmin). Mario U was the best in the NSMB series, too, although I do think it's ironic that they use "New" to describe it when it's mostly a collection of Mario's past.

I still wish that Nintendo would stray from their established IPs, but what they have going on the Wii U so far in terms of software is pretty sound.

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#3  Edited By Lavapotamus

When I'm dealing with the console itself, I get irritated. Those menu load times are agonizing, Miiverse and the friends list need to be one app, I can't turn off the gamepad while downloading anything, and I can't play VC games on just the gamepad yet.

When I'm playing a game, though, I love it. I see the Wii U as a giant DS for my home, and I fucking loved the DS. I like the idea of giving developers a sandbox of input options and seeing what they do with it all. Of course, it helps that the traditional games I have are still great, too. I guess I see the system as a slow burn, like the Wii was for me. I don't buy Nintendo systems to serve as my only console anymore, but I do buy them because I think there's enough exclusive experiences on each that I don't want to miss.

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#4  Edited By Lavapotamus

@GetEveryone: I know they added Wiimote support to the Metroid Prime 1 and 2 in that collection. I think the achievement thing that Retro started in the third game spans the whole series in the collection too. Not sure about them upping the visuals beyond adding widescreen support, though.

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#5  Edited By Lavapotamus

Very high school. I hate threads like this. Why do we need to be passive aggressive and catty on the Internet?

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#6  Edited By Lavapotamus

All the explanations that I've read have said that it's basically Pokemon. Your character (Oliver?) can fight in battles, but the idea is to have the creatures you capture do most of it for you. The only other insight I can offer is based off of reading occassional tweets from Jim Sterling and Philip Kollar:

1) Grinding is very prominent in spots.

2) Some of the boss battles carry crazy spikes in difficulty.

For what it's worth, they both still seem to feel positively towards the game overall.

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#7  Edited By Lavapotamus

We are Internet strangers, but if you ever get to that point again and your friends are doing the "tough love, silent treatment" thing and you've got no one else to talk to, PM me. I can talk or just listen if you wanna vent. If feeling lonely can heap a large enough pile ontop of whatever else is going on that it makes you want to give up, I'm here. Suicide can sound like a great solution to everything or just a way to stop everything, but hopefully the fact that you're calling it your rock bottom moment stresses that it's not the solution that you think is actually best.

Depression, anxiety, any element of mental health can be tough to figure out and then correctly treat it. Tough isn't the same as impossible, though. If you're actively seeking help, like you are, you'll get there eventually. It might be easy now that you're on meds, it might be a confusing year or more until your doctor helps you find whatever works for you, but you'll get there. Until then, seek the help you need. There's absolutely no shame in seeking assistance. No one makes it through life alone.

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#8  Edited By Lavapotamus

@DoctorWelch said:

@Irishdoom: No one likes beer. It's not something you like, it simply something you put up with. No one would drink it if it wasn't alcoholic, and those who say they would only say that because they've acquired a taste for it after drinking for so long. I drink a decent amount of beer, and I would say there are kinds I "like" and kinds I "dislike", but I still realize it tastes like carbonated sour bread mixed with urine.

I usual like to compare beer to shit. If someone ate shit, eventually they would have a preference of certain kinds of shit over others. They may even say they like eating it after a while. Even so, that doesn't make the shit not taste like complete shit.

My friends are all beer drinkers and can't fathom why I don't touch the stuff. I don't drink very often, but when I do, I want something that tastes good. That usually means flavored vodka combined with mixers until I feel like I'm drinking candy. Sometimes I get flack for it from my friends and that's something I've never really understood. Why ridicule me for drinking something that tastes good? I always wondered if they actually enjoyed the taste of beer or if it's just something they've learned to deal with...kinda sounds like the latter now.

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#9  Edited By Lavapotamus

I was thrilled that they finally dropped sprites in favor of 3D models, but beyond the aesthetics, I don't see signs of change from the trailer that I was hoping for. Movement still seems to be grid-based, the battles still seem to play out as they always have...I'm just not sold on X and Y being more than visuals. Of course, it's just the first trailer. I'd love to be wrong and have them show some compelling new gameplay elements during E3 or something.

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#10  Edited By Lavapotamus

I don't buy used games anymore, but I do buy new games months or a year after their release because that's what I can afford. So this would mean if I'm unable to find a new copy three years after a game was released, I'd either have to buy it digitally or not play it at all? If the PS4 implements this and the next Xbox doesn't, I won't even have to decide between the two. If the next Xbox has something similar to this...fuck, I guess I'll just play my Wii U and learn how to build a gaming computer?

They should be focusing on making digital distribution more attractive to consumers instead of tooling around with this. It's far more profitable for them to sell a game digitally and it seems like the inevitable route for gaming media to go, considering the movie and music industries. Providing discounts for buying digitally or promoting sales for their online stores are a lot less alienating to customers than stuff like this, too. Sales and promotions make a product much more inviting to consumers than restrictions and online passes do and they both target the same thing, that being used sales. Seems like a needless restriction with a lot of potential to inspire backlash.

I hope this is just a patent and never moves on to become more than that.