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GOTY 2011

Game of the Year 2011 up in this bitch. Recognise.

List items

  • What's left to say about the latest instalment in the Elder Scrolls series that hasn't already been covered by writers far more eloquent than I? Bethesda have always maintained a semi-fanatical core of fans who were willing to forgive games like Oblivion and Morrowind their failings for the scope and ambition that they displayed. Skyrim has removed much of the need for making such allowances with a level of competency and polish capable of putting far more conservative games to shame, and in doing so has set an almost ludicrously high benchmark for all future open world RPGs.

  • Saints Row: The Third is really, REALLY fun. That's pretty much it. I've seen a lot of comments suggesting that it deliberately eschews focus on things like cohesion and character building in favour of all-out-mayhem, but I actually feel they do it a fairly major dis-service. The acting and writing is first class, the characters and story are cool, and while the game certainly revels in allowing the player to behave like an absolute monster by removing any kind of moral weight from their actions this is done as purposefully and deliberately as you could hope for. This game is stupid, crude, incredibly entertaining and excellently crafted fun which will make you wish it was just a little bit longer.

  • It's testimony to how good Battlefield 3 is in the areas at which it excels that despite it's highly questionable advertising strategy and flat-out refusal to do anything differently it still manages to be very fun to play. Make no mistake about it: Battlefield 3 has it's problems. The omission of weapon stats, the ability to alter your class or even leave a goddamn session in between maps in mutiplayer are baffling, and the single player experience feels tacked on and poorly executed. However, despite this there exists an undeniable element of Battlefieldiness which - when approached with a group of friends - can cost you hours.

  • Although arguably not as good as it's predecessor (read: not as much of an improvement as we might have hoped for), there is still more than enough in Arkham City to make being Batman an awesome experience. And if there exists another melee system that makes you feel more like an unstoppable ninjitsu-trained whirlwind of destruction then I've certainly never seen it.

  • With some nice advancements to horde mode, a competitive multiplayer which will keep it's fans entertained and a campaign mode which offers fun, closure and a couple of genuinely touching moments, Gears of War 3 is a fine addition to the series and a game well worth playing.

  • It's about damn time someone took the 40k universe and made a decent shooter out of it. Space Marine remains faithful to both the silly (SPAAYYYCE MEHRREEEENS) and the dark aspects of it's source material while also delivering an incredibly satisfying shooter with an excellent if slightly repetitive melee system.

  • Not being a fan of competitive fighting games I was genuinely surprised with how much I enjoyed the reboot of MK. This was in no small part down to the hugely ambitious story mode which - with any luck - will have set a precedent for future fighters (take note Capcom: plot is a thing). Although fuck that last fight with Shao Kahn. Seriously: fuck it.

  • While a bit more of a pixel hunt than I would have liked and with a bit too much repetition of the 'Good day sir, we'd like to ask you some ques.... HE'S RUNNING CHASE HIM' instances (can't imagine many cops getting fat on this much cardio), there was still plenty to love about team Bondi's romp through 40s L.A.. It's just a shame that you can never tell how Phelps is going to react when you pick a style of questioning.

  • This is a game I feel all wrestling fans should play. The fact that WWE has such a tight reign on it's annual 'official' release means that more often than not it's presented as more sports simulation than sports entertainment. And while All Stars doesn't quite get into the backstage politics or the nuances of booking a wrestling show it has more than enough winks to the inherent ridiculousness of wrestling to keep your average fan entertained. Fun as hell too.

  • Despite some problems with it's core mechanics Human Revolution proved to be at least a partial return to form for a series some felt had soiled it's good name with a couple of below par sequels. The story and world are phenomenally crafted - those who are looking for a Bladerunner-esque environment will absolutely love it, but everyone should give it a try.