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"Exploration game" (Teeside project)

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For my project I aim to test my game development skills by making a game with a genre/ style that I've never attempted making before. I call it a "Exploring" game. I many games that are more "open worlded" some players love to explore, collecting collectables and experience things, I wish to make my game based around that.

In the game you're basically a character walking around collecting, discovering things and land marks in a overworld. It will be a 2d game with a bird view camera and I aim to make it playable on the internet using flash.

My target audience is everyone as the game is rather uncomplicated in that it won't have a main plot or a main baddie to fight. It all about going around exploring.

That is to say, while is not decided yet I might include some wild life or natural hazards to make it a little more intense or exciting, though the penalty would not be big and the main character never dies.

I'll make ther game from the start as the main objective is to make something I have little development experince in. My main focus is on the gameplay to showcase my ideas.

The engine I'll be using is a legal copy of Multimedia Fusion 2, a powerful 2d tool that are used by professional developers.


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Made som concept art and graphics for the game, though the visuals won't matter too much for my project, so I'm not too concerned about them at the moment.

The game screen size I've choosen to set it to is 640x480 so I'm sure it is playable on a internet browser. Also some animations are made which includes searching, joy and "got item".

For now I want to make a small little area/map to play in and create the main coding and eventually flesh out the details after that. Music and sounds are most likely at this point be copyrighted material, credited and used fairly for student work.


Some ideas:

- There are collectables in form of fruit, shells and other things like that to collect to your collection.

- Events, persons and landmarks are added to your Journey/Diary.

- If this game should be a hit, I'll make it so it is easy to add new areas to explore.

- Some events appear at random. So they players are not always quite sure if they have seen it all or are pleasently suprised.

- I'm also thinking about online play, but for the moment that is way of.

- Your house will act as a collection room.

- Some events requires a specific item, for example to make a bunny come out, use carrots.


Player actions:

Walk around with arrow keys (or other setup), and point and click to inetract, (some you would have to be close up to)

* I've created a action template for each collectables, making new collectables easy.

* Deicated Global values to various things that needs to be saved.

* A Save and Load system has been made.

I've choosen that if the player leave the game, they start from their home upon loading, my reasoing for this is so the player can reload the game in the spot if trying to trigger events with random factor.

Most animations for the main character is complete, I try to keep them simple as serval animation frames can easily make a flash game lag, also considering that my game will probably have multiple things going on in the background, so I'm wondring if I should make serval smaller areas rather than a few huge ones.

My stance on visuals at the moment is still to keep them low priority, the important thing is the make the game work.

A camera system are included, designed so it can spilt the map into rooms to make the area feel bigger and more deeper than it actually is. More collectables are also included, including a apple tree which the player can interact with to make it drop apples after which the player has to wait for a while until it growns more apples. This gives the game a little element of farming, something that can be bulid upon depeding on time left.

The game so far is made so adding new collectables and events is easy, so when the final details are in place it should be simple to create new areas with the system, engine and objects I've created this far. This is also for making the game easier to expand if it turns out there is a demand for more content from the audience. It would need a little more polish before that stage though.