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GOTY 2012

Didn't play 10 new games this year that are worth putting on the list.

List items

  • Best story and characters in any video game I've played and they're strong enough to overcome any deficiencies in the gameplay to take the #1 spot.

  • Forget the ending, the journey to get there, fueled by some of the best moments of the series, was an amazing ride. The multiplayer was surprisingly fun as well and kept me hooked for weeks.

  • Still one of the best co-op experiences available.

  • Beautiful vistas, simple gameplay, and a seamless multiplayer experience that makes you care about the person you Journey with even though you don't know who they are.

  • Challenging puzzles, great music and beautiful art bogged down by some technical issues.

  • Rapid fire murder with a killer soundtrack.

  • Many systems with many ways for everything to go wrong. Even with pause functionality there's always a hectic pace to the game that is unmatched this year.

  • Click, click, click.

  • Only briefly played but enjoying it so far. Could move up list as I play more of the game.