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Top 10 Cheap Final Bosses in Fighting Games

This is my list of final bosses that I found that are just extra cheap.

List items

  • From Dead or Alive 4. She is cheap cheap and more cheap! That's all I can say about her.

  • He has an unlimited power gauge, even though you can't see it. He also has an annoying long-ranged whip.

  • Fatal Fury series: He is so cheap because of his annoying counterattack.

    Art Of Fighting 2: He always doing the same sliding kick and all of his moves are powerful.

  • He is from Tekken 5. His stun thrust move is cheap and his fireball is unblockable.

  • From Arcana Hearts. She has impossible defenses and crazy offense. I only came close to beating her one time. She's just strong for no reason.

  • From Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. His first of three forms isn't that bad, but his second form irritating, and his final form is even more so.

  • From World Heroes 2 Jet and World Heroes Perfect. Extremely cheap, not to mention his super punch takes a lot of damage.