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  • Kiwi posted a message on the post 684: Brad's Leaving.


  • Kiwi posted a message in the forum topic The "Can't remember the name of this game" Thread v3.0. on the General Discussion board

    This is going to be a real reach if someone knows it, but there was a horse racing flash game I used to play around 2003 where you and other players would bet on the races. It wasn’t on addicting game...

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 383.

    The killer WIndows 98 start up music with the sick bass line Vinny mentioned: song is such a jam. I'm pretty sure there was a check box to stop showing i...

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Episode 282.

    Best of luck in all future endeavors, Abby!! So many amazing features throughout the years that are truly legendary pieces of Giant Bomb history. You are awesome and the site won't be the same withou...

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 - Part 04.

    I really hope Vinny goes back to play episode 2, etc.As others have mentioned, there are different paths in the levels based on who you have with you. And the sequence leading to the final area is an ...

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Mickeys & Whiskies: Smart House.

    Jan Ochoa at Giant Mom dot com

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Episode 273.

    @thesquarepear: I know that Abby’s comment was offhand and carried no ill will behind it. I also know she is the recipient of a ton of unfair and unwarranted criticism, which made me hesitant to post ...

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Episode 273.

    @verytallman: agreed and posted something similar before I saw this. In a show that genuinely brings a lot of joy each week it can kind of sour a whole day.

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Episode 273.

    @ybbaaabby please try not to compare things like that horrible bird to burn victims. It can be very painful for those with scars.Otherwise, great show as always.

  • Kiwi posted a message in the forum topic Giant Bomb GotY 2019 Fantasy League. on the General Discussion board

    1. Outer Wilds2. Control3. Outer Worlds4. Mortal Kombat 115. Resident Evil 2 (2019)6. Fire Emblem: Three Houses7. Untitled Goose Game8. Observation

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post 600: Big Game Pass.

    Happy 600, bomb crew!

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Episode 03.

    I love this series and this episode was the great kind of off the rails (like when they retire a train!).I definitely think that the 150 bananas that go towards the special items should NOT go in the...

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post E3 Vlog - 06/08/2019.

    Happy Birthday Abby's Mom!

  • Kiwi posted a message on the post Episode 1.

    This was an amazing journey! I can't wait to see more SEA BEASTS BABY!