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Some Hints on the new Quests.

As many of you are having trouble with some of new quests; I will give you some hints.

Monster Mash # 2

There is nothing common with the monster for number two.  Another hint would be that this monster name is derived from a celtic word for evil spirit or goblin.  This creature was also used in folklores to scare children; much like the bogeyman.   Also the monster is a type of hobgoblin.  The monster's name is a combination of two creatures.  The monster is a combination of two creatures; one is big and one is small.  There is not an easy hint that I can give without giving it away.    I found the answer after serching for monsters in D&D.  I have given all the tips I can think of without giving it away.  When you get the answer, you will know what I mean.  Happy searching.   

Globe-Trotter Space # 5, 6, 7

Space 5:  A space sim for the PC in the late 90's.
Space 6: Is a game for the BBC Microcomputer.  This is also an enemy in the Halo games.  
Space 7: A quest that is in space.