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Album Everyone Should Own. Rush Moving Pictures

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Canadian rock band Rush was a band that was around since 1968 but didn't really get a lot of attention until they released their 1981 classic Moving Pictures. Which songs as Tom Sawyer and Red Barchetta Moving Pictures became a ground breaking album.

   The album cover is a monument triple entendre. On the front cover there are movers who are moving pictures. On the side, people are shown crying because the pictures passing by are emotionally "moving". Finally, the back cover has a film crew making a "moving picture" of the whole scene.The album cover was taken in front of the Ontario Legislature Building at Queen's Park.

Tom Sawyer


Red Barchetta



Album Everyone Should Own. Michael Jackson Thriller

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Now I know Michael Jackson is now the subject of joke and ridicule but you got to think back to the 80's when everybody was in to Michael. Remember he made Thriller.....Thriller.  Back then the name Michael Jackson was on everybody's lips.

Quincy Jones on production truly an achievement in music. And Ed Van Halen did the guitar on Beat it . This is the album that spawned that infamous thriller dance.  Remember Michael Jackson is the one who did the soundtrack for Sonic 3

I believe this is the best selling album of all time but that does not matter

The Music Videos Were Awesome!!!


Album Everyone Should Own. Marvin Gaye What's Going On

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Now I don't how many people out there are Marvin Gaye fans or just fans of soul music. But if you are this is an album you should check it out.

"In 1969 or 1970, I began to re-evaluate my whole concept of what I wanted my music to say... I was very much affected by letters my brother was sending me from Vietnam, as well as the social situation here at home. I realized that I had to put my own fantasies behind me if I wanted to
write songs that would reach the souls of people. I wanted them to take a look at what was happening in the world" -Marvin Gaye



Hip-Hop Album Everyone Should Own. Madvillian Madvillainy

In my opinion this is an album every hip-hop fan should own. Madlib is my favorite producer and he does not disappoint with some of the craziest beats to be heard. MF DOOM does a good of being an MC and does well to complement madlib's beats. even though this album is more than four years old to me this my favorite album to be release in the past five years. So if you're a fan of Madlib, MF DOOM, or hip-hop in general I highly recommand this album is something every should here at least once. And for those of you waiting on Madvillainy 2 (not counting thoes remixes Madlib did) I don't think tha'll ever see the light if day. anyways go buy the album, download it whatever... just get it.