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#1  Edited By Kevin_Cogneto

Sergeant Slaughter needs to learn a thing or two about the flag code!

Look, here's the bottom line for me: I think Giant Bomb did the right thing by pulling the series, it was upsetting to some people and who wants to upset anyone?

But... as an American, the notion that any display of American patriotism is now considered offensive (just because of the actions of one dipshit who currently resides in the White House), I very much take exception to this. Now more than ever, it's important to celebrate the ideals upon which the United States were founded, precisely to remind us that we need to be better as a country.

It's easy to roll your eyes and say "what good are those ideals, if America never lives up to them?" And it's easy to allow one's point of view about the current administration to color one's perceptions of American patriotism. But the enlightenment-era ideals that America was founded on have always been far more aspirational than descriptive. America is always falling short of its ideals in one way or another, but that only makes them all the more important to celebrate, to give our nation something to strive for.

There's no question these are dark times for America. But if the world won't allow Americans to celebrate what good there still is in this country, if Americans are going to be guilt-tripped for celebrating the ideals upon which our country was founded, then we're really in trouble. Because the day that American patriotism is only left to those people who carry out evil in America's name, that's the day that all is truly lost.

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#2  Edited By Kevin_Cogneto

@kevin_cogneto said:

Not to be a buzzkill, but this whole thing seems like more trouble than it's worth, and I fully expect there to be three games that support this thing, tops. It really strikes me as the R.O.B. of the 21st Century: cool in concept, but in the end, what do you do with it?

So everyone gave me shit for this comment four months ago, and then Nintendo literally never mentions Labo at E3 once, and announced a total of zero new Labo games.

Not saying I told you so, but...

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Yes, but not nearly as much as when Johnny 5 got tore the hell up by goons in Short Circuit. He was begging for his life! WHY?!

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This post is 15 months old, and yet I still can't stop myself from pointing out that this scene is from Short Circuit 2, not Short Circuit.

You're welcome everyone. Crisis averted.

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Honestly, in hindsight, I'm surprised no one on the crew recognized her. Bionic Woman was semi-popular, right?

To be fair, it looks like they aged Lindsay down about twenty years in the game.

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  • Mario 64
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Wave Race
  • F-Zero X
  • Smash Bros.

That's all you really need.

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@mattgiersoni said:

@turambar From what I know it's review bombing, sadly. Basically, it's a mix of people demanding chinese localization or people being mad at a change in the game, specifically removing 2 other modes of transportation, so now the main mode is hyperlanes. It was patch 2.0 that removed wormholes and warp as selectable FTL choice during civ creation. There was a ton of angry people on paradox forums and on steam. The devs said that focusing on hyperlanes will allow them to implement a ton of cool gameplay systems and additions that wouldn't be possible with all 3 FTL choices present, like before. Seems to this day people can't accept that change and review bomb the game, even calling the devs thieves or liars. It's typical gamer/internet dumb outrage. Honestly, steam reviews in general are so useless these days, in any game.

oh wow, glad i didn't bite on the last dlc sale wtf why would they remove modes of transportation? Like i didn't even like hyperlanes at all lol. I guess you can always roll the game back at least, but man that really sucks were fans asking for this?

reading some of the reviews seems like the AI has gotten worse? I remember the automated system not being that great but it was improved a bit in one patch if i remember right.

It was necessary because they changed the way civ borders worked. Instead of being automatically awarded the dozen or so stars that surround each colony, now you have to claim each star one at a time. Because it was such a fundamental change to the way borders are drawn, having the ability to bypass hyperlanes would be far more powerful than it had previously been. There are still wormholes, they're just at fixed points in the galaxy, and there's still a warp travel equivalent, it's just a late game tech now. People fixated on removing warp and wormholes, but 2.0 changes nearly every system in the game, so you can't really judge the change in the FTL system without looking at everything else.

Personally I think the game is a lot better after 2.0, I hated losing my mineral rich system because my neighbor settled a new planet near by border and watching my border shift arbitrarily. Now in 2.0 you're fighting over every single star, and the fact that everyone is using hyperlanes just means that you have to expand much more strategically, and think a lot more about the stellar terrain as you expand.

I'm really looking forward to checking out Distant Stars, especially the new anomaly system. Exploration has always been the weakest part of the game, so the idea that there'll be anomalies that may not appear until mid or late game sounds great.

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#8  Edited By Kevin_Cogneto

So what's the deal, if I'm a tourist who wants to visit Shogun World, I have to fully learn to speak Japanese first? I know it's all a moot point now but still, the park as a whole seems to cater to English speaking guests looking to blow off steam, so who is the clientele for this very genteel, very spartan, very Japanese-language-only park?

Also it's weird that it's called Shogun World and not Samurai World, especially since their canonical shogun is now dead. That'd be like if Westworld was called President of the United States World, and Rutherford B. Hayes showed up as a character and was beheaded.

In short, I love samurai movies to death, but the notion of Shogun World doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

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#9  Edited By Kevin_Cogneto

I don't even like the original Karate Kid movies all that much, and I agree, Cobra Kai is far better than it has any right to be. Although those guys are a lot closer to 60 than 40...

The thing I really like is that it takes the original movie's one-dimensional characterizations and adds context; not just to the events of 1984, but within the storyline of the 2018 teens as well. It does a great job showing how a good kid like Miguel can gradually become just like Johnny when he has the wrong kind of person teaching him, and how his sort of "No Mercy" mentality gets handed down from generation to generation.

All that said, Google needs to spend a little more money on Season 2. The production values look like trash, and the fight sequences look awkward even when they're not supposed to. Honestly it's a big problem, and this show could be genuinely great, but not as long as it looks like it was shot in an afternoon.

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#10  Edited By Kevin_Cogneto

Color me underwhelmed. What I was expecting was a culmination of a half-dozen storylines intersecting in interesting and surprising ways. What I got was the Great Thanos Easter Egg Hunt (with special appearances by the Keystone Avengers!), where nothing that came before seemed to matter at all, and where the events of the film seem similarly unimportant given the inevitable reversal of its ending to come. The movie claims to be a bridge to the future of the MCU, but all it turned out to be is one big dead end.