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Average score of 2 user reviews

Eased system reqs make gameplay superior 0

If you're like me, you want to see the best visuals possible. Crysis is clearly (as of right now) the most graphically intensive game ever. Crysis Warhead follows in it's footsteps, but makes those visuals more accessible. Running at roughly the same frame rate on my pc, I can run Warhead at a higher resolution (about 70% more pixels) than the original. This,  in my opinion, improves the gameplay. With the added pixels, there's less blur, and you become more immersed in the jungle around you.War...

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Best RTS ever 2

If you'd like a departure from the typical "harvest resources as fast as possible and build a huge army" RTS game mechanic, then COH will make you very very happy. Holding control points and strategically selecting what units to attack with and how to attack with them is key. A tank rush is nearly an instant fail. You must support your tanks with other units more suited to different tasks. The cover system is also an important characteristic. A lone machine gun in a field won't last very long, b...

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