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Black Friday thing.

 Well, I really don't get all this Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday stuff, but I sure as hell enjoy paying less money for stuff, so I'm having a blast with it today, Steam has made some neat special discounts and I've taken advantage of some of them and expect to take advantage of even more in the near future. Look what I already got:

* Deus Ex (Game of the Year Edition)
* Deus Ex: Invisible War
* Counter-Strike: Source

Like one week ago, before I even knew about all this Black Friday thing, I thought about buying Deus Ex, because it was already cheap (9.99 dollars) but after finding out about this "special day" for shopping and after I googled past discounts and found that Deus Ex has gotten a price cut in the past, I decided to wait, even though I thought it would be hard for them to repeat this act. Today I logged in on Steam waiting to find the deals and the first one that appeared in front of me was a pack with both Deus Ex games down to 5 dollars, I purchased it instantly.

Then I had to go to my German class, after I came back, there were some more deals online and one of them was a game I was willing to buy but thought the price was "kinda" steep, it was Counter-Strike: Source. I'm not a hardcore Counter-Strike player (hence why I thought it wasn't cheap at 19.99), but I had my time playing it when younger, I wanted to try out this updated version. For someone who just recently discovered the wonders of online purchase I'm doing quite well at it.

There's still some game I'm willing to buy, some of them I'll only purchase if an insanely sweet deal is presented, which for some of them is almost impossible, most of them I've played already, but those do deserve a replay, so here's my list:

* Assassin's Creed
* Half-Life 2
* Dragon Age: Origins
* Left 4 Dead
* Left 4 Dead 2
* DiRT
* DiRT 2
* Need for Speed Undercover

If you want to get cheap games for a limited price run before it's too late and visit Steam's webpage.