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Average score of 6 user reviews

MGSV The Phantom Pain is nearly perfect! 0

Warning: **spoilers** throughoutWhere to begin with MGSV The Phantom Pain? There is just so much here to pull from. If you include Ground Zeros in the conversation – like you should – you are left with a lot of game to discuss. Although the story beats are fewer and farther in between compared to previous installments in the series, there is still plenty there to debate, discuss, and think about. And that is what MGSV did for me; it made me think. Not only about the storyline and how...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Bloodborne Review - Not the best "souls" game, but still good 0

Coming straight off of Dark Souls 2, I dove right into Bloodborne. However, I don’t think that was a good idea. Naturally I instantly started making comparisons, and because Bloodborne was the new kid on the block, it took the majority of the blame. The controls seemed too fast, no shield meant that I couldn’t softball difficult characters, the lack of a simple sword to begin with, and on and on. It took a little time, but once I was past the first area I had built up my level enough...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Halo meets Prime 0

I'm a little late to the Halo 4 review circuit, but maybe I can give you a different look at Halo 4. Because I've only had time to play the campaign, and I don't normally do well at Halo multiplayer, this review will only cover the campaign.Let me say first off that I am a Halo fan. I didn't think I ever would be. In fact I used to be a hater until I finally played the first Halo when the 360 first came out. I'm no longer a hater now and I try to get my non-Halo playing friends to join in too.I ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

From a Non-Fan of Gangster Games 0

I just finished Sleeping Dogs. Literally minutes ago. I'm writing this review as the credits roll. Don't worry, this won't be a review done shooting from the hip; I've been taking notes through the play-through and I'm prepared to give my opinion on one of this year's biggest sleeper hits.I don't normally play games like this - open world, gangster games. I tried the Grand Theft Auto series years ago and just couldn't get into it. A friend let me borrow Yakuza 3 to try. Given my various connecti...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A letter Review to 10000000 0

10000000,Thank you for the great time we spent together last week. I had so much fun! I'd heard a lot about you from others and was very excited that you gave me the chance to hang out. I'll admit I didn't know what to expect from our meeting, but I was excited nonetheless.Those first few moments we were together were a little awkward weren't they? But, you were kind and showed me how to act. After that, I felt that I had the best time that I've had all year. I saw potential in this budding rela...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Walking Dead Review: I'm not fond of zombie games 0

Let me start by saying that I've never been a big fan of the horror genre. Whether it is movies, books, or video games, I generally avoided them. Other than the popular installments in the Resident Evil series, I haven't played any zombie games. Why? Because I get light headed when I see gory things and scary movies truly freak me out.But, I had heard so many good things about The Walking Dead game, and I had just picked up a new iPad and wanted to see what the iOS gaming scene was like. I didn'...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.