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Best of 2011 (so far)

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  • This game had me smiling the whole way through

  • One of the best looking and sounding games there is. Smooth gameplay and an interesting world seal the deal.

  • There's so much stuff in here. It's mostly great. A talking dog told me off. I fight racist rebels and weirdos with antlers on their hats. Oddly enough, wilderness exploration in Skyrim combines my nerves with my curiosity and makes me hesitant to fire up the PC and ump into the game. But I always do and I rarely regret it. When I take a step back, I sometimes see that what I'm doing is monotonous, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it.

  • This game is DUMB. I love it.

  • One of the first scary games I've played. A lot of fun to play and even better to look at. The highlight, for me, was the part on the ship from the original where you encountered no enemies for over a half an hour; I was shaking like a soon-to-be-brain dead baby the whole time. The last boss was bad and the ending didn't go far enough, however. Isaac should have just died.

  • Fantastic and often outrageous multiplayer. The game's weak (WEAK) single player doesn't hold it back to badly.

  • A really good Call of Duty game, my second favorite. The campaign wrapped everything up really well and was a great sendoff for Captain Price. The multiplayer seems great as well, but I'll probably hate it in a few weeks. Not that that'll stop me from playing it more.

  • LA Noire is a strange beast. The gameplay is fascinating, as are the characters, world, and cases. However, Cole's being kind of a bad person and the fairly awful ending sour the game for me. While these aspects bother me, I cannot deny LA Noire's uniqueness, production values, and ability to make me feel like a damn good detective

  • If this game counted my play time, I'd be pretty embarrassed. Apparently it didn't come out this year, but that's when I discovered it and a few huge updates have come out over the past few months, so I think it's safe to call Dungeon Raid one of the best games of the year.