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3ds Activity log 2012

One of many wonderful apps on the 3ds is the activity log, keeping track of footsteps and play time. Here I will list each year my games and steps..just because I can. I'll only list the top 10 each time.

I picked up my 3ds in 2012-

32,885 steps were taken with 3ds in my pocket.

44 titles: 67:57 hours played

List items

  • 11:16 hours

    I thought it was rather boring, but i'm not the target demographic. I didn't finish and I find it surprising that I played for that long to be honest.

  • 11:07 - Finished

    A flawed return to what made the series great. Enemies were terrible but the narrow corridors, great gunplay and daft script kept things amusing

  • 9:21 - not finished

    My favourite tales game that I seem to have bought and sold more times than I can remember. Never seem to finish it either.

  • 4:46 - Not finished

    My least favourite of the series and I was hoping to get into it via the PW gameplay alteration. Still nope. May come back to it later this year given its cheap on the eshop.

  • 4:44 - not finished

    I..don't get why this is so popular. I think it must be a case of ' you had to be there'. I like the frog dude and that's about it.

  • 3:40 - Finished

    A great port of the first 3 DOA games which runs at 60fps and has online.

  • 3:07 - not finished


    If only there was another control scheme that actually used the CCP that I happen to own. Otherwise a great game.

  • 2:51 - Finished?

    Secretly one of the best games on the system. I can't remember if I finished or not but it was a hell of a ride.

  • 1:49 - Not Finished

    Mario is hit or miss for me. I love 3d World but at the time I was happy to trade in 3d Land for..something..

  • 1:10 - not finished

    I intend to finish this at some point. Secret best release game, an SRPG that didn't have the depth or customisation that I would like but is still fun.