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Jatsu: My favorite games, most of which are from my golden age of gaming (1997-2001 or so). These are the games which formed the foundation of my tastes, as well as my future expectations.

List items

  • More intricate than many novels, with many branching paths and ways to progress throughout the game, it is quite possibly the most emotionally deep and nuanced video game. It certainly had the best writing.

  • Baldur's Gate single-handedly saved the RPG genre, and introduced to me to it. You never forget your first, and RPGs have truly touched me over the years. This game will always be special to me. Like escaping into a painting for a few months.

    Baldur's Gate II took it to a whole 'nother level with one of the best all around stories, and it remains one of the most epic games of all time.

  • If action games are mental masturbation, Diablo 2 transcends this as a handjob from God. When you add the mature, dark fantasy/horror setting to the atmospheric, ethnic, and industrial soundtrack, you have a game that is destined to captivate me, regardless of any other feature the game may boast.

  • The wonderment I experienced when playing this game is something I will never forget. I still miss the old days, I feel as if I were homesick, the game made that much of an impression on me.

  • While I was playing this game, I never imagined I would ever place it lower than #1 in my favorites. There is a reason it has held the top spot on Game Rankings for as long as it has. It was simply a magical experience that made me feel like a kid again.

  • The amazing universe grabbed me from the start. I'm not all that much of an RTS fan, but Starcraft transcended its genre for me to become easily one of my all-time favorite games.

  • I'm a roleplayer, always have been. No game let you truly feel like a Jedi as much as this and its sequel.

  • Any game that makes you cry gets huge points with me, and I cried on several different occasions while playing this game.

  • Tim Shafer, your characters have really touched me. This game really really resonated with me. Once again I am not a fan of the adventure genre in particular, but it didn't matter. I get saturated by games fairly easily, but I am proud to say that this is a game I could play over and over again.

  • The deep and complex adult story (to my 18-year old self anyway)

  • I'm not all that much a fan of the campaign, in fact I could almost do without it. But the multiplayer portion of this game has yet to be outdone. For me, Halo 2 multiplayer was the spiritual successor to Goldeneye.

  • I loved this game on so many levels. The writing and culture that permeates this game evoked many of the same emotions for me as Planescape: Torment.

  • Nothing particular about this game stood out to me, it was just the whole package. I don't even remember the level of hype coming onto the release of this game anymore, but it must have been fairly substancial, because I went out and got it on the night of release. And I rarely do that.

  • The king of all split-screen multiplayer shooter experiences, this game was one in a million in terms of what it did for multiplayer gaming.

  • It was a Rare game back in the glory days, and that was the only excuse I needed. It's difficult for me to put my finger on what exactly I loved so much about it, but it probably had a lot to do with the fact that I never played Super Mario 64.

  • Once again, a spectacular multiplayer experience. This game was way ahead of its time.

  • This game could hold a place on this list for its environmental audio and overall sound design alone, to say nothing of its soundtrack. The ambient background noise in Icewind Dale (as with all of the Inifnity Engine games, but moreso with IWD because of how much the game kindles your imagination) really goes a long way toward suspending your disbelief, and capturing your imagination, to make you feel as if you are indeed in a frozen wasteland, despite what the visual limitations might suggest. Every time I hear the rattle of armor or the rustle of paper as I sort through the items in my inventory, I get a palpable sense of those items, and suddenly I am no longer sitting at my computer desk, but instead I am somehow a part of the living painting that the game has become.

    This game was haunting, evocative, and very well paced.