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Top 5

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've done a blog, but I've been really busy with school. Been trying to keep them grades up!

Anyway, the reason I'm doing a blog now is because I decided that I'd do the 2008 Holiday Buyer Guide for AceGamez.Com. I did the Buyer Guide last year, and afterwards I felt really good about it, and received a lot of praise for it, so I decided that I'd definitely do it again. I've been working like mad for the last two days to compile info on over 60 games, so now that it's in and being edited as we speak, it feels nice.

A big part of the Buyer Guide after the Buyer Guide itself, is the Top 5 of all the reviewers from AceGamez. Everyone sends their Top 5 to our editor and they go up under the Buyer Guide. This really made me think, what WERE my favorite 5 games of the year? I knew it would be tough to decide, and I finally did. I'm not going to drag it out by putting a bunch of nominees and categories up, I'll just give 'em to you straight. And by the way, we only got to write a sentence or two about the games, and I'm not writing any more for you assholes (:P), so here they are:

1. Braid
1. Braid

An important game in the history of gaming. It offers a fresh take on the time changing mechanic and the overall product is something never seen before in gaming. The best ending I've ever experienced in a video game.

2. Fallout 3
2. Fallout 3

An epic game in every sense of the word. Gives you the freedom to explore what you want, when you want in a post-apocalyptic world. Nothing short of awesome.

3. Gears of War 2
3. Gears of War 2

The sequel to one of my favorite games ever, but advancing on the series in great ways. Great new multiplayer and single player as well.

4. Metal Gear Solid 4
4. Metal Gear Solid 4

Incredible graphics and even better gameplay. The best stealth action game... ever. Sure, I didn't understand the story, but I sure as hell enjoyed the ride!

5. FIFA 09
5. FIFA 09

WHAT?! Yeah, I enjoyed FIFA 09 more than GTA IV. FIFA 09 is the best FIFA game ever, and one of the best sports games ever. It's got a ridiculous amount of modes and features that make this one of the best games all year.

And there you have it. Those are my favorite 5 games of 2008. Some may call me crazy, some may call me... well no one will call me right, but eh, these are my favorite games, and I stand by them :)       

Ignore this thing below, it's pissing me off too!                                                             
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