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InformationHigh: Favorites

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  • Neat little fighter/schmup hybrid that got overshadowed by poor pricing and marketing.

  • My favorite 3D fighter. Like Rodney Dangerfield, gets no respect.

  • My favorite PS1 RPG. You can't count the number of remakes this game has had on one finger.

  • Sequel to my favorite RPG, making it also my favorite PS1 RPG. Almost. I'm not sure if having a tattoo of green bars on your face was is best of ideas.

  • Great SNES game, awesome Amiga game. If you play the SNES version first, your mind will be blown when you play it's computer counterpart.

  • While slightly inferior to the Japanese version, you will be hard pressed to find an arcade-style golf game anywhere else. Even with the lack of competition, manages to be an excellent game.

  • Easily one of my favorite SRPGs, if not the best SRPG. A breath of fresh air in a genre dominated by Disgaea.

  • An amazing SRPG that brought some nice improvements to the genre. If you're tired of endless Disgaea clones/remakes, but still like SRPG games, you owe it to yourself to give this a shot.

  • What Halo 2 did for online FPS multiplayer, DOA:U did for online fighting game multiplayer. Stack this with an excellent, definitive version of DOA2, and you have the best 3D fighter on the original Xbox. It would be years before any other fighter got close to emulating it's online.

  • The love child of crazy card/srpg/advance wars style games.

  • "Hell yeah we're doing this." Still my favorite NFS next to the original Hot Pursuit.

  • Take the amazing atmosphere of Silent Hill, and the goofy shock moments of the early Resident Evil games, and you get the best survival horror game of the decade.

  • If there was ever a game that did FPS Diablo right, DLC right, with support years after it was released, Borderlands is the shining example of how to make a great game and keep it great for a long time.

  • Amazing game vOv

  • Easily one of the best arcade racers with it's own unique style. Topped off with some of the best music in the series, it's an all time favorite of mine.

  • The world could use more.

  • Avoid the second game at all costs.