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You played a match where the netcode was rewinding frames to determine which was the correct state. It happened to me to where as soon as I hit, it rolled back determining that it wasn't a confirmed hit. It's not necessarily a bug but rather just a victim of the netcode's output, albeit it's a good netcode.

It's not necessarily lag but rather a situation where the code was trying to find out within the possibly high latency which was correct. So rollbacking is a much more appropriate term than lag in this case. You can decrease the amount of rollbacking by applying forced frames of input lag but your timing will likely get thrown off. It's an interesting trade in the GGPO code.

You can either have a lagless experience but be prone to rollbacking frames if you fight someone with high latency or a smoother experience to compensate for the latency but can affect your general timing.

Good breakdown. Fascinating... but still frustrating as hell.

I've been actually really pleased with the way the game performs.

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Yep, I got into a choppy match and hit what I (and apparently the game) thought was a kill, but the round continued in the zoomed kill cam and I ended up losing.

It's only happened once, but it sucked terribly.

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What others have said, it actually condenses elements of fighting games to their "purest" form, thus making you SEE your mistakes in their rawest form. When you over-commit and your opponent punishes you, you feel it because it was such a simple mistake. When you bait your opponent into something, then miss your punish and get punished in return, you again feel it because it was all so simple.

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#4  Edited By ImperiousRix

This shouldn't degenerate into saltiness, but a majority of people in here are right; If both feet hitboxes collide at the same time, there will be a double K.O. Sometimes the game is more generous than others--considering the characters used, angle of attack, and other factors--but them's the facts. This is how 2-D fighting games work. There are goofy things you have to work around.

And if you're losing all "toe to toe" meetings, then maybe try to avoid such precarious positions in the future...

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#5  Edited By ImperiousRix

Updated: Moved off of Markman for somebody with a bit more mobility and offensive pressure, so I'm playing Kick. I thought about Dive, but I actually prefer Kick's faster kick and meter build; gives me a bit more control and set-up options.

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#6  Edited By ImperiousRix

@sbaitso said:

Similarly to the Baz thread, I am having serious trouble fighting people playing S.Kill, specifically when they just spam the teleport constantly. What is you approach to attacking him? Any specific character strategies? Every time I go at him I either A) miss entirely, B) get trounced, or C) luck out and hit him. Anybody figured out how to counter this guy?

Hey, I think I've seen ya on Steam before!

Anyway I'm playing a lot of Kick and, as him, I slowly creep my way inside and just probe fore a counter hit. S-Kill seems to have a hard time hitting a static target that gets in too close, so a lot of time it's just a matter of threading the needle and waiting for him to overcommit to get you out of his face.

The one thing that I feel you really need to look out for is for him to build meter, because his air special is ridiculously good (especially at hitting a static target; hence his counter to you slowly creepin' in). If you see him spamming kicks in the corner or playing keepaway, pressure him while keeping an eye on his meter. If you can rush him down before he gets (A), then you should be okay.

If he does get (A), stay mobile and wait for him to throw it out, then proceed as above.

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@dethfish: In my opinion, Mr. N should have the clear advantage against Dr. Shoals and The Baz, especially with the Kick gem. He has the clear dive advantage against Shoals and He can just rush The Baz down.

I agree he should be able to easily rush in, get above Baz and take him out (using Marneto to bait/avoid an escape attempt), but I feel Shoals does well against Mr. N because she has some really great mid-air control, builds meter fast and her hit box points way forward and out in front of her.

Mr. N's a very vertical attacking character, so unless he can get above a foot-diving Shoals (again, not easy because he's very up and down and she's very horizontal while still being able to dive very high), he can't really intimidate her or gain space on her.

Just my two cents, but I'm a very cautious/counter-hitting player so I approach the game differently.

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#8  Edited By ImperiousRix

I'd say Redacted is at least mid-tier; she is ridiculous with meter and I've seen a lot of insane players online. Everyone else seems about right one (I feel S-Kill has to play too defensively, so loses a lot of people who challenge him, but I have been bodied by great S-Kills).

The Baz, though, definitely deserves his spot. Once you understand how he works, it takes a pixel-perfect Baz player to be threatening.

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Yep, I've seen a lot of Double KO's happen. I imagine that's what would happen in that situation.

As for losing "mirror kicks" I really don't know. Sometimes the hitboxes can be a bit goofy; I've gone through what I've felt were sure kills (and promptly been head shotted or similarly destroyed for it) and I've also won a few contested kicks I knew for sure I was going to lose.

I guess what the short answer is; "That's Divekick, baby"

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#10  Edited By ImperiousRix

"I'm so Godlike" -Mr. N

"The throooooows!" -Mr. N

"YOLO, my ninjas" -Stream

"I feel like i'mma break this damn thing" -Kick

"What an answer!" - S-Kill

"It's maaaaaaadnessss!" -S-Kill