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RPGs on the PC Worthy of Mention

In no particular order.

List items

  • Best RPG of all time.

    HAHA NO! There is not an element of this game that has not been done better by other RPGs, not one. One could say that its blandness is amazingly memorable.

  • Set a standard that I'd say hasn't been exceeded or even matched since.

  • Yes, those lugheads at NMA are right, the original is the best. One can be forgiven for not seeing it because of its age, but its still true.

  • Modern RPG designers should look to this game to find out how to do choice and consequence in an immersive game. It doesn't make it some kind of design element that it tracked by a stat meter and shoved in the player's face. The player makes the choices through the natural gameplay of the game and the presentation doesn't telegraph the options like a menu in Burger King. This is something Ken Levine and Bioware should pay attention to.

  • In retrospect, it has an unwarranted amount of text. But the RPG elements are still amazing and unique.

  • Time has worn down this RPG most of all but the storytelling still packs a punch.

  • This game has a lot of poor design decisions and an overall low quality presentation. I still spent more than 100 hours playing it and don't regret a minute of it.

  • Arguably a better product than Fallout 3, but not enough of a leap to really make it as magical going through the Fallout world in first-person view a second time around. So obviously I recommend it over FO3 if you haven't played either.

  • There are lots of various elements of the game design that don't live up to the presentation, but holy shit what a presentation this game makes.

  • A badly broken RPG with a turn-based combat system so good it's bewildering that no one has made a better game that adopts it.

    Get the Co8 modpack/fixpack to make it playable -

  • A more combat oriented infinity engine game, but what's there in story easily immerses you in its world. It also has an expansion that expands on some technical features which make sure the game doesn't feel outdated, unlike the original Baldur's Gate, another infinity engine game and because of time, the weakest one.