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I'm a bit late on the whole 2010 thing, but I figured I would write something here as I haven't since Giant Bomb first opened... I have not done any edits, reviews but this new Giant Bomb-specific achievement things is pretty neat. Also funny how it comes in after the DICE summit talk! 
Well, I've nothing more to say. Nobody really reads this except me a few years down the line to see how I've changed. 


Giant Bomb first few weeks!

Well I've done a tiny bit of editing on the Giant Bomb website since it was launched.
I'm not jumping to every page and adding stuff; more like thinking about games I played as a kid and checking their pages out, filling in things I think it should have.

Technically, Giant Bomb's starting to run smoother for me. Quicker page loads and all that good stuff. I can't wait for new features in the near future.