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All the best to Kevin. I remember posting with him on the GS boards back in the day (early 2000s). He was a vidyagame reviewing machine!

If you haven't seen it already, check out Danny's chat with Kevin on The Lobby about Kevin's journey to Gamespot, his career as a games journalist, and his new adventure:

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Happy Birthday you slick son of a bitch!

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@bam_boozilled: Of course! That's what we're here for. I'm glad that we could help.

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#4  Edited By Heather

Oi! Like @varietygamer, I'm a long time lurker that's just getting around to posting for the first time. I'm currently a law school student. Things I like other than games: reading, pro wrestling, and running long distance. I love the podcasts and listen to them when I'm out running. I look forward to ... posting with everybody?

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@gorillamopena said:



JAPAN on the network

I will watch this. It will be amazing.

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#7  Edited By Heather

@alexw00d said:

Email them. Tweet them. Send them a silly, themed hamper.

I think that's good advice. Just give it a shot and don't be rude. Sometimes asking nicely goes a long way.

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#8  Edited By Heather

@darthorange said:

I'm curious as to how many of the American duders here on this fourm pay attention to politics. How many of you take the time to check out the main talking points of all the people running for president? Do you even vote at all or do you abstain?

There are some people who consider talking about politics taboo and believe it leads to nothing but trouble. I strongly disagree. More people should discuss politics and talk about what matters the most to them and why. Often times it seems like people can get intrenched in their own viewpoints. If you take the time to talk to others and figure out why other people feel the way they do then that leads to understanding which broadens your horizons and allows you to see the issues in a new light.

Like you, I believe that it's important to talk about politics to have a healthy exchange of ideas. You know that old adage about not talking politics or religion with people? I always joke that those are the two things I want to talk about first.

As of June 4, 2015, women have had the right to vote for 96 years. I love voting and couldn't imagine a world where I wasn't able to do it. I remember going to the polls with my parents and grandparents, watching them vote. And I also remember the first time I voted -- I was ridiculously excited (and a little disappointed that I missed the presidential election by only a year). When it comes time to vote on state or local stuff, I go nuts with the nonpartisan voting guide. I spend a few hours a day for about a week, reading the guide. Then if I'm still on the fence about something, I look for other voting guides online. I talk about the issues with my family and see what they think. I try to avoid political ads as much as possible but I love watching the debates when there's a presidential race. I try to watch them all.

I haven't decided who I'll be voting for yet. I usually wait until the last minute to make my decision. I want to have as much information as possible before I make my decision. Thank you for posting the links the candidates, by the way.

@kevin_cogneto said:

Here's how I make my voice heard: Every year at tax time, I gladly give my voluntary $3.00 to the Presidential Election Commission Fund.

Thanks for mentioning the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. I hope more people contribute. Here's some information about it:

@sterling: Perot's campaign was incredible in the sense that he was the most successful candidate since Roosevelt in the 1912 election. Perot garnered nearly 19% of the popular vote.

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I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Even though you may not have been friends when she passed away, you were friends at one time and it sounds like you meant something to each other. Sometimes that's the part you have to focus on and celebrate.

Your post was a nice tribute to her. It wasn't dumb or sappy. I hope that, at some point, you feel comfortable enough to talk to your family about it. It might help, and they might have some good advice.

Anyway, thank you for sharing. I like the picture! After one of my classmates passed away in junior high, I kept the t-shirt everyone in my class signed. We weren't friends, but it was a small school, and his death completely changed my life (in a good way).

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#10  Edited By Heather

@gregorygold: In the book, he makes it clear that he's just telling his personal story and that there are lots of ways to deal with anxiety. He's just talking about what worked well for him.

I bought a copy and was really surprised by it. I thought it was great. It's an honest, inside look into one man's struggle with anxiety. It's easy to read, down to earth, and not in the least bit pretentious. I found it very helpful because it reminded me of my own struggles with anxiety. I'd recommend it if you have anxiety or know someone who does.

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