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So I finally bought an iPhone 4S...

...after five years of using a Sony Ericsson K750i I've opted to jump on the smart-phone-band-wagon (umpteen years late I know) and got myself one of those iPhone 4S thingamajigs today. I managed to get a pretty good contract with O2 as well with unlimited texts, unlimited minutes and 1GB of data usage a month all for the affordable price of £36.00 a month, minus the one off fee of £50 to 'purchase' the phone.

Old faithful, we've had a lot of memories together him and I...
Old faithful, we've had a lot of memories together him and I...

My real question however is related to the Apps Store and more specifically to get some recommendations from you guys and girls as to what the 'must have' apps are for iPhone users and naturally, with this being a video game site and all, to get some gaming related app suggestions as well.

So Giant Bomb community, help a brother out here and enlighten me as to what apps I should be looking into!